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Has anyone seen the movie Fireproof yet and if so what did you think of it?

There have been a number of screenings throughout the nation.
The trailer looked awesome. Going to see it when it comes out Sept. 26th!

Fireproof preview

I went to the website and found out that there will be a theatre in Rockford, IL showing the film. We'll go to that one. Not sure of the exact location but I'm sure it's less than a half hour from where we live.

September 29th is our 35th wedding anniversary. I do believe that attending this film would be highly appropriate for us to attend.

I suppose we'll do dinner out and I'll get her roses, etc. We're not much on formality. I know it's our 35th but we aren't the celebrating types. I'm still thinking of some kind of jewelry, but my wife rarely wears it.
I'll be going to a screening on the 16th. I have a friend who has already seen it. He highly recommends it.
When the guy started talking about a 40-day change....I couldn't follow much of the preview as I was just hoping it wasn't going to be a Rick Warren purpose-filled film.

After re-watching the trailer, it looks good :lol:
The trailer looked awesome. Going to see it when it comes out Sept. 26th!

Fireproof preview

I went to the website and found out that there will be a theatre in Rockford, IL showing the film. We'll go to that one. Not sure of the exact location but I'm sure it's less than a half hour from where we live.

September 29th is our 35th wedding anniversary. I do believe that attending this film would be highly appropriate for us to attend.

I suppose we'll do dinner out and I'll get her roses, etc. We're not much on formality. I know it's our 35th but we aren't the celebrating types. I'm still thinking of some kind of jewelry, but my wife rarely wears it.

Ivan, we were also married in '73 (May 5)... By the time you've been married this long, nothing can happen to it, except not working at it every day, right?! :) And not remembering Who is the real Head of both of you.

The "Fireproof" preview choked me up a bit. :um: I don't know if it's so much of an "anniversary movie," but then, maybe it emphatically is.

We all need to be reminded not to leave our partners behind...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to both of you!!!!

I like Kirk Cameron as much as anybody but am I the only one who can't abide these contrived, sappy type movies? They are obviously made for the purpose of manipulating you to tears, anger, etc. but I just don't buy it anymore. They just annoy. I can think of tons of better things to do with 2 hrs of my time. :um:
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I saw the movie at the SBC Annual Meeting this past June. It was excellent. I spoke to Kirk about it two weeks ago when I was in LA and he is very excited about the film's release. I would highly recommend the movie to everyone... Especially people with troubled marriages and people about to get married.

There is more to it than just emotionalism (although there is plenty of that). There are some real solid practical things which could benefit any marriage.
Ivan, we were also married in '73 (May 5)... By the time you've been married this long, nothing can happen to it, except not working at it every day, right?! :) And not remembering Who is the real Head of both of you.

A belated happy anniversary to you too! Mutual submission to one another and ultimate submission by both to Christ is the key to Christian marriage. It hasn't always been easy and there have been ups and downs, but we are ONE!

The "Fireproof" preview choked me up a bit. :um: I don't know if it's so much of an "anniversary movie," but then, maybe it emphatically is.

I don't know if it's an anniversary movie either, but I think it will be good for us to see.

Do you have any suggestions for the celebaration? What did you and your husband do for your annieversary?
I like Kirk Cameron as much as anybody but am I the only one who can't abide these contrived, sappy type movies? They are obviously made for the purpose of manipulating you to tears, anger, etc. but I just don't buy it anymore. They just annoy. I can think of tons of better things to do with 2 hrs of my time. :um:

:eek: Finally, someone who feels as I do! :lol:

I like and respect Kirk but have little desire to see this.
Ivan, we were also married in '73 (May 5)... By the time you've been married this long, nothing can happen to it, except not working at it every day, right?! :) And not remembering Who is the real Head of both of you.

A belated happy anniversary to you too! Mutual submission to one another and ultimate submission by both to Christ is the key to Christian marriage. It hasn't always been easy and there have been ups and downs, but we are ONE!

The "Fireproof" preview choked me up a bit. :um: I don't know if it's so much of an "anniversary movie," but then, maybe it emphatically is.

I don't know if it's an anniversary movie either, but I think it will be good for us to see.

Do you have any suggestions for the celebaration? What did you and your husband do for your annieversary?

Thanks! (I recall posting some sort of tribute to "the most patient man I've ever known," one Richard, on our anniversary. No laughing smilie after that statement; it's true... I may not have stuck it out with me. :duh: )

Not having seen "Fireproof," but just from what I've read about it, it may well be the perfect movie for viewing on an anniversary.

We went out to a really nice Italian restaurant around here for our anniversary (Cafe Cortina in Farmington Hills). That's about it for our anniversary celebration, but it was perfect. As the years have gone by, it's less about celebrating dates and years per se and more about just thanking the Lord for all of His blessings, including each other and the son He gave us. Best of all, He gave us salvation; He included us in His family. There's no way we can be adequately grateful for that! When we were married, I was too young and had a ton of growing up to do. I'd also been told I had "a year, maybe two" to live because of aplastic anemia. Richard married me anyway. :eek: Over 35 years later, there's been no cure, but I continue to afflict the earth. :lol: And we've had all these years together!

You're right: if we can all remember to submit first to Christ and then to each other in love, our marriages will be the picture of Christ and the Church that God intends them to be...

Again, happy anniversary, Ivan, and may the Lord give you and your wife many, many more!!!

Ivan, we were also married in '73 (May 5)... By the time you've been married this long, nothing can happen to it, except not working at it every day, right?! :) And not remembering Who is the real Head of both of you.

A belated happy anniversary to you too! Mutual submission to one another and ultimate submission by both to Christ is the key to Christian marriage. It hasn't always been easy and there have been ups and downs, but we are ONE!

The "Fireproof" preview choked me up a bit. :um: I don't know if it's so much of an "anniversary movie," but then, maybe it emphatically is.

I don't know if it's an anniversary movie either, but I think it will be good for us to see.

Do you have any suggestions for the celebaration? What did you and your husband do for your annieversary?

Thanks! (I recall posting some sort of tribute to "the most patient man I've ever known," one Richard, on our anniversary. No laughing smilie after that statement; it's true... I may not have stuck it out with me. :duh: )

Not having seen "Fireproof," but just from what I've read about it, it may well be the perfect movie for viewing on an anniversary.

We went out to a really nice Italian restaurant around here for our anniversary (Cafe Cortina in Farmington Hills). That's about it for our anniversary celebration, but it was perfect. As the years have gone by, it's less about celebrating dates and years per se and more about just thanking the Lord for all of His blessings, including each other and the son He gave us. Best of all, He gave us salvation; He included us in His family. There's no way we can be adequately grateful for that! When we were married, I was too young and had a ton of growing up to do. I'd also been told I had "a year, maybe two" to live because of aplastic anemia. Richard married me anyway. :eek: Over 35 years later, there's been no cure, but I continue to afflict the earth. :lol: And we've had all these years together!

You're right: if we can all remember to submit first to Christ and then to each other in love, our marriages will be the picture of Christ and the Church that God intends them to be...

Again, happy anniversary, Ivan, and may the Lord give you and your wife many, many more!!!


Thank you for your gracious post, Margaret. I feel the same way about myself as you do about yourself. I am a patient man, but I can be patiently stubborn! However, by the Grace of God I have changed over the years. I'd say my wife is patient, very patient, but she also has a very sweet personality.

God has been very good to me.

I grieve for those who have not had the experience in their marriages you and I have had. I hate sin.
I went to see this movie tonight with my wife and a couple from our church. It was a very, very good movie. I think if you haven't seen it you really shouldn't say much about it because it's not your typical sappy, stereotypical movie.

The movie presented the gospel in a clear manner, and it used the law of God to show the guilt of man. Before the final credits rolled, Romans 5:8 was displayed over the screen.

The Lord Jesus Christ was lifted up throughout this movie, and it dealt with a lot of serious issues that are affecting even marriages of believers today. I'm not trying to replace the preaching of the gospel on Sunday morning with this movie, but it was well worth my time and money tonight. Well worth it.

Big kudos to Kirk Cameron who is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he continues to make that known.
My husband and I both tend to be rather cynical and arch and to abhor treacle and schmaltz, but...

"Fireproof" is richly worth seeing. We've just gotten back from a late afternoon showing.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house - not even ours...

Big kudos to Kirk Cameron who is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he continues to make that known.

I found from the movie trivia at that the kiss scene was filmed in shadows for a specific reason. Kirk Cameron was kissing a "body double" which in fact was the only lady he would kiss. His wife!
Big kudos to Kirk Cameron who is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he continues to make that known.

I found from the movie trivia at that the kiss scene was filmed in shadows for a specific reason. Kirk Cameron was kissing a "body double" which in fact was the only lady he would kiss. His wife!

I heard that as well. When I saw the scene I thought, that has to be his wife. Sure enough, it was. The guy is a complete class act.
Big kudos to Kirk Cameron who is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he continues to make that known.

I found from the movie trivia at that the kiss scene was filmed in shadows for a specific reason. Kirk Cameron was kissing a "body double" which in fact was the only lady he would kiss. His wife!

I was wondering about that while I was watching it!

Glad to know this bit of info! That's great!!! Thanks so much for letting us know.

My dd told me that the "pastor" at our old church is getting together a group to see the movie. Because of my distrust of anything this man does I did a little research on it.

Seems like everyone likes it and it is solid (I'm so glad to come here for a Reformed perspective). However, I'm a bit concerned with a couple of things. One is the book, "The Love Dare", which is a major plot component. I watched the trailer and it seems that the Kirk Cameron character spent his time studying it rather than the Bible. Also, is it true that the book is handed out at the theatre? The 40 day aspect of it hits too close to PDL for my comfort and I personally am very leary of anything that is trendy and widely accepted by the world.

The afore-mentioned "pastor" is currently doing a series of "Building up your spouse" and I can just see him using the book instead of the Bible for the next six weeks. I really do not have a very good feeling about this.
My dd told me that the "pastor" at our old church is getting together a group to see the movie. Because of my distrust of anything this man does I did a little research on it.

Seems like everyone likes it and it is solid (I'm so glad to come here for a Reformed perspective). However, I'm a bit concerned with a couple of things. One is the book, "The Love Dare", which is a major plot component. I watched the trailer and it seems that the Kirk Cameron character spent his time studying it rather than the Bible. Also, is it true that the book is handed out at the theatre? The 40 day aspect of it hits too close to PDL for my comfort and I personally am very leary of anything that is trendy and widely accepted by the world.

The afore-mentioned "pastor" is currently doing a series of "Building up your spouse" and I can just see him using the book instead of the Bible for the next six weeks. I really do not have a very good feeling about this.

I actually read where the book was not originally planned on being published. It was just a part of the story, but so many people wanted the book that they decided to put it out.

Actually, in the story Kirk Cameron's father makes a point to ask him if he is reading EVERYTHING on each page everyday. You come to find out that he had actually been skipping over the Scripture verses that were on each page.

So, I think you can put your thoughts at ease by looking at the book as more of a reference book than a replacing of the Bible. I don't think the movie gives any indication that's what it is trying to do.
Also remember this is just a fiction story. This movie by no means is meant to replace the preaching of the gospel.
Also remember this is just a fiction story. This movie by no means is meant to replace the preaching of the gospel.

Oh, I realize that and have no problem with it. My concern is that the book may become the next PDL and become a moralistic guide to marriage to people who should instead be taught the whole counsel of the Bible as opposed to verses that support what is being taught in a devotional, as good as it might be.

The man running my former church preaches a brand of man-centred moralistic legalism and it would be very easy for him to bring The Love Dare into his preaching in place of correct biblical teaching.

I believe that it has been published and I think I saw information about how many copies have been sold. I'll have to go check....
I just did another Google of The Love Dare and found out that it is in its 3rd printing with over 300,000 copies sold - 10 volume case lots are available for $79.50. There is also a journal offered and "The Couple's Kit" which includes 6 DVDs and two participant guides.

A representative from the B&H Publishing Group said, "It's a plot device, it's a book, it's a movement."

A keepsake edition of the book is planned to coincide with the DVD release of the movie in the spring of 08.

I'm not into fads, trends, or "movements" - I'll pass on this!
I just did another Google of The Love Dare and found out that it is in its 3rd printing with over 300,000 copies sold - 10 volume case lots are available for $79.50. There is also a journal offered and "The Couple's Kit" which includes 6 DVDs and two participant guides.

A representative from the B&H Publishing Group said, "It's a plot device, it's a book, it's a movement."

A keepsake edition of the book is planned to coincide with the DVD release of the movie in the spring of 08.

I'm not into fads, trends, or "movements" - I'll pass on this!


I'm sorry, but I don't see an issue with going to see the movie. Too bad the book publisher wants to sell more books because it is mentioned in the movie. I'm glad it is at least a book with Bible verses in it as opposed to some marriage book by Dr. Phil or somebody.

I won't be buying the book, but I want to strongly support movies with Christian themes. I do not believe Kirk Cameron's purpose of doing this film is just to sell books. I imagine he'd like the movie to be successful, though!

I'd hate to see us throw the baby out with the bathwater.

(I now see that the Fireproof book and Love Dare are by the same authors...both Baptist pastors in GA. But truthfully, it's not even fair to judge the book unless it has been read or reviewed by a repsected source. It's not like it's another by Rick Warren.)
My husband and I both tend to be rather cynical and arch and to abhor treacle and schmaltz, but...

"Fireproof" is richly worth seeing. We've just gotten back from a late afternoon showing.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house - not even ours...


Ditto. We saw it Saturday afternoon in Marquette; made a day of it. It was a great way to cap of a wonderful day together. I'm a bit disappointed in the sales hype going along with the movie as well. But that doesn't need to detract from the clear message and excellent quality of the movie itself. And I'll probably pick up a copy of the Love Dare because the advice given is very practical and can help spur some thought. Fad or not, if it's useful I'll digest it. Even The Prayer of Jabez had some useful statements. In fact, it gave me some great material for a sermon on the Lord's Prayer.

Folks, this movie exalts God. This movie promotes marriage between a man and a woman. It shows the beauty of the perfect illustration of Christ's union with the church. The Gospel is clear. And the final words across the screen, after all the credits, are "To God be the Glory!" Regardless of how much we disagree with some of the methodology and any of the theology, praise God that the Gospel is being preached. This wasn't some wishy washy Gospel presentation and "let's ask Jesus into our hearts." It was responsibly done.

Pray about it. Go see it. Pray before it starts that people's lives will be changed. Pray during it that God would break hearts, heal marriages and bring people to salvation. Pray afterwards that those affected wouldn't be able to just shrug it off or forget it. Pray that God would give you an opportunity to speak to someone about Christ afterwards. And, if you're not affected by the movie, pray that God would soften your own heart... after you check your pulse.

I've come away convicted that I'm not near the husband that I should be. May God open my eyes that I may see more clearly.
I enjoyed the movie thoroughly as did my wife. We kept expecting his best friend to die at one point during the movie, though.
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