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Puritan Board Freshman
Does anyone have any reformed commentary or insight on the numerical differences in Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7? Contextually, I’d like to have a better understanding on this. Thanks!
I've read that the listing of Ezra 2 is most likely one derived from an original, official enumeration (the same sort of accounting as with the items of silver and gold, see ch.1) compiled in Babylon even before the people went out from there, eventually to arrive at home. Nehemiah 7, on the other hand, is a genealogical register of the return found in the records of Jerusalem. That record must depend significantly on the same documentation as that borrowed by the inspired Ezra for incorporation into his sacred record; the two lists are obviously comparable.

But that Jerusalem record would reasonably include various changes that occurred in the accounting, whether on that journey of return (which took months) or soon after arrival. Births and deaths might well have happened on the trip, affecting the final numbers of settlement; along with additions of people who joined the departure after the Babylon list was made, or who arrived about the same time in Jerusalem.

The differences of the numbers are 24,144 and 25,406 (per K&D).
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