Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed - Now Free Online

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Puritan Board Senior
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxTQWI253z4&feature=related]YouTube - Expelled:No intelligence allowed part 1of 11[/ame]

It was interesting. I might make more comments later.

That is the link to part 1 on youtube, and parts 2-11 are available through the related videos section.

It's been on youtube for a while without being pulled, so I'm assuming this is legit.
It maybe legit, as in being the actual movie, but does it not still break copyright law regulations??
That's what I'm saying - Youtube is normally very tight on copyright law and will remove anything remotely questionable in that regard. The fact that it has been there for days is, to me, sufficient proof that it is not in violation.
I saw the movie when it first came out in theathers. I thought it presented a valid case against the clear bias in the scientific community against the intelligent design argument. One quick criticism of the movie though is I disagree with the view that the logical implications of evolution or naturalism is what leads to holocaust or the death of "inferior humans." Hitler's Nazism was a mix of several beliefs including christianity to produce his own reality. I would see is more a product of the fall and self idolatry than evolution.
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It's in very low quality, and mono sound. They probably gave them permission, with those parameters to boaster sales. So that people would buy it and watch it at Church or school. I'm watching it, but I'd rather rent it and watch it with good quality video.

It's been out for awhile now and sales are slumping.

When a sequel of a good video game is comming out, they often let people obtain a copy of the first for free to build the hype for the sequel.
RC Sproul interviews Ben Stein about the movie. This is a very informative, logical and straight forward discussion between the two. It's long, 27 minutes, but well worth it :graduate: link [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4609561480192587449&ei=gaJqSaORHIrkqQKLhfHBAQ&q=No+intelligence+allowed&hl=en"]here[/ame]
It is an Adobe Flash 9 video, make sure you have the latest Adobe Flash player installed.
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