David Dickson on the marks of a false teacher (2)

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... Government] Note 7. Is the contempt of government, or lawful authority, which they would have taken out of the world, that there might be none to punish their vices. He describes and amplifies this vice with six Reasons.

Despise] Reas. 1. That it is not the naked disobedience of unlawful commands of a mistaking governor, but contempt of the Magistrate doing his duty, contempt of the very power and ordinance of God.

Presumptuous] Reas. 2. That it is presumptuousness joined with contempt.

And self] Reas. 3. That it is boldness in contempt joined with complacency in that sin.

To speak ill] Reas. 4. That it is boldness in contempt breaking forth into cursing, reproaches, evil speakings, which they cast upon Magistracy.

Vers. 11. Whereas Angels which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.

Reas. 5. That seeing they are vile fellows, they dare speak evil of Magistrates, which Angels that are more excellent than Magistrates, dare not speak ill of them: For although Angels are sometimes used to punish Princes, yet they always endeavour to maintain the estimation of Principalities, Magistrates, and Powers, against whom some Heretics proceed. ...

For more, see:

Vers. 11. Whereas Angels which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.

Reas. 5. That seeing they are vile fellows, they dare speak evil of Magistrates, which Angels that are more excellent than Magistrates, dare not speak ill of them: For although Angels are sometimes used to punish Princes, yet they always endeavour to maintain the estimation of Principalities, Magistrates, and Powers, against whom some Heretics proceed. ...

How about mocking parody? Does that fall under the category of railing accusation? Or is it a legitimate form of political discourse?
How about mocking parody? Does that fall under the category of railing accusation? Or is it a legitimate form of political discourse?
I think it depends. Are they mocking the person or the office or the actions of the person holding the office? There is a substantial amount of the latter form of mocking in the writings of our Puritan forefathers. We could probably have a fairly entertaining competition on PB to find the best example...
Makes me think of those who hate the doctrine of the Sovereignty of God. As even the words spoken by Isaiah

Isaiah 5:19 That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!”