Best Lightsaber

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Originally posted by houseparent
I love that dual sided one Darth Maul used.

Alot of good it did him though.
You have to admit he took on two Jedi and managed to kill a rather experienced one.
I've gotta' go with my buddy Kid Rock (aka Adam) and put my money towards a double fisted staff saber, dark side, used by the evil Arminian, Darth Maul.

TD Revolver....sweeeeeet shot of you working the wave on the spherical!
I picked the purple one.

I heard that Samuel Jackson made them make his lightsaber purple so he could pick himself out in the battle scenes. Lucas didn't want a purple lightsaber but Jackson insisted.

Has anyone else heard that story? I can't remember where I heard it (or read it).
It's too generic. Besides, even Luke disagrees with you, since he made a green one to replace it! :D

[Edited on 6-11-2004 by Me Died Blue]
He still could have made another blue one to replace it...but thankfully, he had matured enough in the Force to see the light (no pun intended).
The real question the red saber truly dark side material since Vader had a thread of good running through his soul? Remember, he did come around before he gave up the ghost.
It's all-too-true that I love blue above green in general, but when it comes to lightsabers man, nothin' beats Yoda and Luke!
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