android app

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Puritan Board Freshman
Peace and Grace,
I'm looking for android application that would have at least KJV, ESV and Matthew Henry. Anyone has any experience in regard to this? Would you recommend any specific application for core bible study?
Hi Jay,

On my Kindle Fire HD I've installed "And Bible." It has a number of translations available. I've downloaded the KJV, ESV, and ASV. As far as commentaries, I've got Calvin, JFB, Matthew Henry, John Gill, the Geneva Notes, and some other commentaries on it, along with a pretty good selection of Bible dictionaries. It has a good number of classic Puritan and Reformation books (ie, Calvin's Institutes, several John Owen titles, and a few works by Jonathan Edwards) as well as a few later works like C. Hodge's Systematic Theology.

My favorite feature is that it will read to you. And the price was right (free)!

Hope this helps.
I actually thought about my phone, but I have just gotten a Kindle, and Kindle would be better to read. Thanks again.
CadreBible is a good option for quick reference with MHCC and several translations on Android.
For a free Bible app, I haven't found anythiMySword

Everything is linked so you can look up commentary related to the particular verse you're looking at, even has Calvin's Commentaries available for it.
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