A worthy sale, but ending soon

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Unshaven and anonymous
Staff member
It is almost October, you think to yourself. I should send someone a greeting card, your other personality hastens to add. Well, now you can combine those two thoughts and reintegrate your personality* by buying some proper greeting cards at an October discount.

Click here for greeting cards both majestic and whimsical.

Or here: http://www.freewebstore.org/hzcards

*Greeting cards are not intended as a substitute for medication or therapy. You can also click here.
*Greeting cards are not intended as a substitute for medication or therapy.

Having good greeting cards on hand might save alot of headaches and nervous tension which comes from trying to find a good one at the last moment; prevention will be better than cure. :)
Having good greeting cards on hand might save alot of headaches and nervous tension which comes from trying to find a good one at the last moment; prevention will be better than cure.

Very true! Many of the greeting card companies seem to depend on people failing to plan ahead and thus being desperate in order to peddle their wares. Presumably this is the main reason they don't usually feature quotes from Boethius.

Sarah, I'm happy to report that your cards are being produced even as I type.
The October discount on magnificently hand-crafted greeting cards is almost over.

One of the ways that Christians can minister to others is through reminders. There are many hardships in our lives, and it helps lift the spirits when we see that someone cares. If that expression of care comes attached to a beautiful image and an edifying remark, so much the better. So if you know people in nursing homes or hospitals, if there are church members struggling with chronic illness, or just people going through a rough time, a little note on a cheerful or hopeful card is quite a good way to remind them that people are praying for them and care about them.

Furthermore, some very charming little books are now available:
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