A Puritan Theology - Meditation Question

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Puritan Board Freshman
I've started reading A Puritan Theology, and it is amazing.
I'm going through the chapter on meditation and it's definitely changing my life and I believe finding this was an answered prayer.

I was hoping someone could help me understand this line better and how to apply it.

"Think of illustrations, similitudes, and opposites in your mind to enlighten your understanding and enflame your affections."
I've started reading A Puritan Theology, and it is amazing.
I'm going through the chapter on meditation and it's definitely changing my life and I believe finding this was an answered prayer.

I was hoping someone could help me understand this line better and how to apply it.

"Think of illustrations, similitudes, and opposites in your mind to enlighten your understanding and enflame your affections."
We may need a little more context, but I believe this is talking about the different ways you can think about a heavenly truths through earthly examples.

Dr Beeke explains it better than I can:
As it was noted above, it is best to provide a context so others can answer more fully. I have read this chapter in Beeke's "Puritan Reformed Spirituality". I know you were asking about Puritan Books in another post. Add this one to your list. Beeke does a study of Puritan Spirituality through the biographical lives of some Puritans, as well as discusses various Puritan theological topics. This book is an excellent study.

Now, in context Beeke mentions it is good to think about the subject you are meditating on using similar things from the scriptures or nature. In a later paragraph he gives an example from meditating on sin. You may, for example, want to meditate on the goodness of God. You can follow the theme on the goodness of God right through scripture, and reflect on a number of verses from scripture. But you can reflect on the goodness of God in nature. I do this when I reflect on how fun loving my cat is, and how my cat is blessed by the goodness of God in a number of ways. In Australia, after terrible bushfire conditions, many have been blessed in NSW by a good rainfall. This is an example of the goodness of God. But meditating on scripture on the subject should be the highest priority.

You mentioned "similitudes, and opposites in your mind ...". Similitudes could included many related topics on the goodness of God for example. Opposites could include reflecting on the goodness of God, then the wrath of God.

Read Beeke's chapter right through and think of these comments in the light of the whole chapter.

It's great you are reading material on Puritan meditation. It is a blessed and weighty subject.
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