A Biblical Worldview?

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Puritan Board Senior
For both learning and teaching someone about having a biblical worldview what resources could you suggest? I am beginning dialogue with my 17yo grandson about worldviews and would like to know some really good resources. Thanks for all suggestions!
MacArthur edited a decent beginner level book with the Master's College faculty called "Think Biblically". I haven't read it in a while so I can't remember if his theological perspective comes much into play.
You might want to check "Living at the Crossroads" by Michael Goheen and "Creation Regained" by Wolters
You may find resources about a biblical worldview (as opposed to a secular humanist, or Marxist Leninist one) helpful:

Exodus Books - Worldview Curriculum

Understanding that a worldview includes an approach to history, economics, philosophy, ethics, etc. is very important in grounding yourself, or your children from the cultural onslaught which will teach, overtly or covertly a different world view, e.g. one based on a secular humanist approach.

One camp that someday you might want to send your children to is Summit Ministries, where real critical thinking from a biblical perspective is taught. It is particularly helpful to those developing their life ideas in their teens.

If he's engaged enough to try those recommendations they will teach him a lot, but the best lesson is always going to be learnt by seeing your own love of God and his word, and how your worldview is worked out in your life
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