2006 Anniversaries

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A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh was first published on October 14, 1926; hence, 2006 marks the 80th birthday of Christopher Robin and Pooh Bear:

2006 marks the 440th anniversary of De Beeldenstorm, the Iconoclastic riots of the Netherlands, which occured in the summer of 1566, and also marked the beginning of the Eighty Years War which lead to Dutch independence from Spanish Catholic tyranny.
Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot
2006 marks the 440th anniversary of De Beeldenstorm, the Iconoclastic riots of the Netherlands, which occured in the summer of 1566, and also marked the beginning of the Eighty Years War which lead to Dutch independence from Spanish Catholic tyranny.

On August 23, 1566 Dutch Land Guardian Margaretha van Parma granted rights to Calvinists in the Netherlands to preach the gospel for the first time.
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And "yours truly" was born 60 years ago on August 27, 1946 (we celebrated officially this past Monday).
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)

Now there is some GOOD BLUEGRASS Music in that Movie !

Originally posted by Ivan
Originally posted by Gregg
61st anniversary of Earl Scruggs making his debut with Bill Monroe´s Blue Grass Boys. December 8, 1945

[Edited on 1-3-2006 by Gregg]

Awesome!! Blue Grass is one of my favorite genres.
October 23rd marks 9 years that my wife and I have been together. November the 3rd marks our 5th wedding anniversary!!! (I know it's not what your looking for but it is important to me:D).
On November 28, 1666 (340 years ago), Covenanter forces were defeated by Royalists at the Battle of Rullion Green, thus ending the Pentland Rising.

More here.

Rullion Green by Prof. John Stuart Blackie

Say not that they were harsh and stern and sour,
Or say they were so, but not therefore base;
In iron times God sends with mighty power
Iron apostles to make smooth His ways;
And hearts of rock, close - clamped with many a bar.
He plants where angry billows lash the shore;
Thus love by fear, thus peace is pledged by war-
(Stern law !) and gospel paths are paved in gore;
We reap in ease what they did sow in toil,
And rate them harsh, and stern, and sour the while.

Rude warriors, rest ! God from that ill wrought good;
Your strong endurance wrought strong hate of wrong,
Let dark Dunnottar`s dungeon solitude,
And the strong Bass, attest your sufferings long;
No polished pen, no smooth and courtly verse,
Ye need to prove the virtue of your crime;
Pentland`s green slopes, and the black moors o` the Merse
Shall be your record to remotest time;
Ourselves your sons, inheriting your stuff
While we are worthy, shall be praise enough.
October 23rd marks 9 years that my wife and I have been together. November the 3rd marks our 5th wedding anniversary!!! (I know it's not what your looking for but it is important to me:D).

November 5th was my 54th birthday, and November 7th was me and my wife's (not sure about the syntax there) 26th wedding anniversary. God is good...

November 7th was ALSO Billy Graham's 88th birthday. Sure was thoughtful of him to be born on my anniversary!
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)

Now there is some GOOD BLUEGRASS Music in that Movie !

I like bluegrass, too. Del McCoury, in fact...along with Flatt & Scruggs, etc.

On the classical music side of things, last May 28 was the German baritone Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau's 81st birthday.
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