A Question for Pastors

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Puritan Board Doctor
This is just for fun:

OK, pastors: how many suits do you own? After all, you guys have to look nifty 52 Sundays per year (minus vacations), and you have to look nifty for weddings and funerals, and other obligations.

(A friend of mine and I were talking about this after church one day, speculating as to how many suits will get a pastor through a year. I haven't asked mine, yet.)

I'm betting a pastor could own as few as, maybe, two or three suits, but keep the look fresh by mixing and matching shirts and ties, etc.

So, how many ya got? (No fibbing, now...)
OK. I own an almost-black one for funerals. I have a dark blue one for being very smart. And that's it. I mostly preach in dark trousers and one of three moleskine or tweed jackets.

The blue one (which I am wearing in my pic here) I got married in 12 years ago. The trousers have been replaced during that time but the jacket is going strong.
I have three suits: black, blue, and charcoal grey, but the charcoal grey one is a bit heavy to wear down in Mississippi so it only is worn rarely. But I bought 4 or 5 pairs of slacks that go with the black and blue coats to make it look like I have more than that number of suits.

I know it is "popular" to disdain suits, but I really like wearing suits and would wear suit-appropriate hats if it didn't look so out of place.
(4) Black, charcoal grey, blue pinstripe, and olive brown. However, I also have a few pairs of different colored slacks and and six sports coats to go with them. Two of them are heavy and only worn in the winter. I only wear suits when I preach, and usually just black or charcoal grey. I wear a black Geneva Gown over the suits during worship.
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I waited until Joseph A Bank had one of those "buy 1 get 3 free" sales and then I bought one suit.
Ja, but you don't count. You have an uncle who has assigned a nifty green outfit, a dress blue outfit, and a more casual Khaki coloured outfit.
Due to my age, and experience of many Pastors, my judgment in the matter would
estimate that they would have at the least, 6 suits. Now I would in no way imply that
is an extravagance , but an absolute necessity for the work of the ministry. And really
if they do not have that many then they are unfitted for the work. But God provides
for them :-
1- clothed with the garment of salvation (Isa 61:10)
2- robe of righteousness.(Isa 61:10)
3- a wedding garment (Math22:11)
4- raiment of needlework and clothing of wrought gold (Ps45:14).
5- garment of praise(Isaiah 61:3)
6- And the most beautiful and important one for the work,(1Pet5:5)
"Be clothed with humility."
So Ministers, Sabbath by Sabbath, not only have a selection but have
to wear them all at once! But it is not only true of Pastors but every one of us
have been given a divine wardrobe. Shamefully I have to admit that the garment
of humility is often pushed to the back of my wardrobe, and it is almost brand new
through negligence.
Ministers within the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) in the UK will generally wear a black suit (they may have 1 or 52) with a Black Shirt and White Collar. What is a sign of the most ridiculous (generally speaking) Liberalism in America, is in fact a sign of Conservatism (generally speaking) in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.
I am a former lawyer, so I have more than the average pastor:
  • black
  • navy pinstripe
  • charcoal gray
  • navy solid (double breasted)
  • brown
  • dark olive-brown
  • plus 3-4 more that don't fit as well any more

I would advise a man to try and have three if he could: one black (for weddings and funerals), one variation of navy (that does not look just like the black), and one different color (light grey, brown, etc.)
I believe I have six (although two don't fit as well as they should, so I normally go with a rotation of 4). A couple of the suits were passed down to me, one I received as a gift, and my two nicest suits I bought about 5 years ago during a buy-one-get-one-half-off sale at Men's Wearhouse. I also own the obligatory navy sports coat, which can go with gray slacks or khakis, but I'm not sure that counts.
I believe I have six (although two don't fit as well as they should, so I normally go with a rotation of 4). A couple of the suits were passed down to me, one I received as a gift, and my two nicest suits I bought about 5 years ago during a buy-one-get-one-half-off sale at Men's Wearhouse. I also own the obligatory navy sports coat, which can go with gray slacks or khakis, but I'm not sure that counts.

Typical male response!
I have two that fit: one black (weddings/funerals) and one brown. They were given to me several years ago. I rarely wear suits, preferring instead a rotation of nice dress slacks and one of four nice blazers. A pharmacist friend recently gave us about 15 barely-worn dress shirts which fit me nicely (a big blessing!).

Our brother's note above regarding the garments of Christ is a great encouragement and reminds me afresh to put off the old man, clothing myself anew with our Lord and his righteousness. So thankful that his garments are custom-tailored to suit my need perfectly!
A lighter gray
2 Charcoal
3 Pinstripe --- all gray or black

Three that I keep just in case I gain back some lost weight.

I also have several sport coats of varying colors.
Due to my age, and experience of many Pastors, my judgment in the matter would
estimate that they would have at the least, 6 suits. Now I would in no way imply that
is an extravagance , but an absolute necessity for the work of the ministry. And really
if they do not have that many then they are unfitted for the work. But God provides
for them :-
1- clothed with the garment of salvation (Isa 61:10)
2- robe of righteousness.(Isa 61:10)
3- a wedding garment (Math22:11)
4- raiment of needlework and clothing of wrought gold (Ps45:14).
5- garment of praise(Isaiah 61:3)
6- And the most beautiful and important one for the work,(1Pet5:5)
"Be clothed with humility."
So Ministers, Sabbath by Sabbath, not only have a selection but have
to wear them all at once! But it is not only true of Pastors but every one of us
have been given a divine wardrobe. Shamefully I have to admit that the garment
of humility is often pushed to the back of my wardrobe, and it is almost brand new
through negligence.

Poignant and true words in the opinion of this non-pastor. Also, If I may say so, you wear your 7th suit quite well in the picture. The jacket neither flies away from the collar nor piles up beside it. I guess that your sleeves probably don't pile over you hands and cover the end of the cuffs either. I have help stranger women three times in the past couple of years fit suits for their teenage sons. It never fails, I am looking at shirts and a women will say..."Sir..sir..how should this go on him." I don't know why I am going off except to encourage pastors to purchase suits and sport coats that fit!!!
"To its devotees the bow tie suggests iconoclasm of an Old World sort, a fusty adherence to a contrarian point of view. The bow tie hints at intellectualism, real or feigned, and sometimes suggests technical acumen, perhaps because it is so hard to tie. Bow ties are worn by magicians, country doctors, lawyers and professors and by people hoping to look like the above. But perhaps most of all, wearing a bow tie is a way of broadcasting an aggressive lack of concern for what other people think."

—Warren St John, The New York Times

Dear Rev. Marsh, to "pull off" wearing a bow tie, you must simply disregard what others think (including yourself) and wear it! It isn't the bow tie that looks good on a man. What looks good on him is the attitude that wearing a bow tie requires. Additionally, when you do wear one, you'll likely find other men will begin wearing them too. And you will have been their inspiration. So go on, take the leap! But do avoid some of the excesses of the bow tie wearing community:

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