Where to start school?

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Terry Blair

Puritan Board Freshman
I'm 28 with a GED with no GPA(since I started college to be an EMT but dropped out). I fell a strong call to seminary; I want to be an ordained minister. I've been a Christian for 10years and found in the past 3 months that I'm reformed and would like to attend a reformed seminary. Time is limited though. I have 4 children( number 5 in November), I know for sure God is leading to school.

What are my options guys? I know a bachelors is required typically but any stepping stone is a good start.
I'd recommend starting with a Community College if one is available in your area. Lowest cost, most flexible class scheduling, and generally credits will fully transfer to the state system. They are used to working with students who have to work to support themselves.

Unless there are key undisclosed facts (like being independently wealthy) given your family situation, do NOT take on any debt for school. Make it 'pay as you go'.
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