The Current Automotive Discussion in My Home

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N. Eshelman

Puritan Board Senior

Totally worthless discussion: Enjoy it.

If you remember, a couple of months ago I was looking for the keys to my 1974 BMW. Well, I found them and was able to trade the car today for something nice. I got a relatively new Audi A4 (silver, 5 speed, black leather, sun roof, power everything). We were both quite satisfied with the trade.

Here is the discussion:

Pronounce Audi. My wife's mother is from Bavaria, so normally I would say she has the in on German names, but I think I am right with this one.

So is it:




Right, except in America!

My little pet peeve is how the Europeans get to change the names of foreigners, but we don't get to do the same thing.

One example: Mozart is pronounced "Moh-zhar" by the French.

But if I pronounce Cesar Franck as "Cee-zer Fraynk", I'll be denounced as "un idiot" (pronounced ee-dee-oh).

So, go with the true American version: Audi rhymes with Howdee! :lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist. I'd go with the ow-dee, but with the "ow" having a slight vow sound ahead of it, like you get when you say owl.
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