Speaking of being offending, Potter is back!

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You need 13 more posts to see those forums.

I didn't realize y'all had hidden fora.
I suppose I could run the old post count up pretty quick, but I never was one to do that.

When I hit the magic number, does the hidden become plain, or do I have to make some plea to the Mods?

I should get my copy of the seventh book on Saturday, and then I am cutting off all ties with the outside world for Saturday and Sunday (except for Church Sunday morning) so that I can read through the book, enjoy it, and not have the ending be ruined for me. Then I will go about my normal life.
So is this where Bob gives up his "Male Model" title for "Stand Up Comedian"? You're working hard at it, aren't you, Bob?
Hey, if Anthony isn't joking, I've got two full buckets of condemnation for him. He could try and deflect them with a "Christian Liberty" spell (seeing as how he's so cozy with the wee wizard) but I've got a whole case of beat-down to go with the theological buckets if that's how he wants to play.

Can we still use scripture to condemn in a General Discussion forum thread?
Mr. Bump, you could post about how pretty Bob looks shorn 12 times (and he might use his special moderator powers to get you in before that.)

It may backfire, of course, he might get offending! (A world without grammatical rules is such a wonderful, chaotic place, don't you think?)
The books arrived today at my bookstore...of course, we can't sell them till midnight on Friday. But I have a feeling one might find it's way home with me tonight.
Now that I think the comedic portion of this threat has passed...

Has anyone seen the movie? My beloved forced me to see it ... twice in one day! I'm not that "big" on the whole HP thing, however, having seen the other four movies this new movie is by far the best of them all.
Once you reach 25 posts you'll be able to join usergroups which are "offending". As for Harry Potter, I hear the cry from Hollywood and am trying to work up a rant about teaching magic to our youngster, etc, etc., but I'm kinda busy and don't write these too well...
The movies are ok.... Nothing compared to the books though. I can't imagine how lost a person would be if they only saw the movies. Everything would seemed rushed, you would have no idea why people are dong what they are doing (even if you thought you did), important information is left out, etc. Oh well.
The movies are ok.... Nothing compared to the books though. I can't imagine how lost a person would be if they only saw the movies. Everything would seemed rushed, you would have no idea why people are dong what they are doing (even if you thought you did), important information is left out, etc. Oh well.
As is true of all movies that are made from books. I don't have enough interest in the storyline to read the books. The movies will have to suffice as far as I'm concerned. And let me be honest, I wanted the time back I invested in the first movie. Fortunately, since my wife enjoys the series as much as she does and that presses me to invest the time to see them with her, the movies have gotten better with each release.
Well, I must say that I love Harry Potter. Myhusband was a bit embarassed when I chose a quote from Dumbledore instead of a more intelectually sounding one. Although I have had people, baptists mostly, stop me and tell me that I would go to hell for watching the movie. :)
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