Scary dolls conversion to Islam.

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Puritan Board Junior
My wife recently found out about a fisher price doll called Little Mommy that is supposed to move around and coo and what have you but its message is a little more direct.


She went to our local Toys R Us store and found that the doll did in fact say "Islam is the Light". So if you or anyone you know have this doll you may want to get rid of it.
Yea, heard that on Way of the Master radio, they've been recalled so if someone has it it can be returned for money or a new one that isn't a Muslim.
Fisher Price has refused to recall the doll saying that it only says what it is supposed to say. Most stores have pulled the doll off of the shelves and will take a return or exchange.
The doll was talking about cold cuts, not Islam.

It was not saying, "Islam is the light" it was saying, "Is this salami Lite?" i.e. health conscious, not conversionist.
Where is the burqa??? This doll is already half infidel, see what happens when muslim talking dolls hit American culture..... :D
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