PRTS vs Ligonier Academy Classes

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Puritan Board Freshman
Anyone have any thoughts regarding the preference of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary or Ligonier Academy for their certificate program. I am interested in a study of Systematic Theology. I have a Bachelor's degree from a Christian college and enjoy the learning process. I am looking for some formal yet reasonably priced good solid Biblical based education. Both institutions have a course of studies that would fit well. Just curious if anyone has any experience or thoughts on either.

Thanks for the input!
Just the caveat that Ligonier Academy is not a seminary. It is intended to be lay-level education. They will have a Doctor of Ministry program as well.
It all depends upon your intention. What do you plan to do with the education? If you are going merely for the sake of learning, then go to Ligonier. If you desire to go into the ministry, go to PRTS.
Thanks for the comments. I should have stated that my intentions were not ministry related at this point. Within the last year I have been drawn to the Reformed view of theology. I have a B.S. in Bible and was desiring to have some additional formal education. However, restraints of money and distance are an issue. It isn't necessary to take classes for credit, but a part of me would find that very interesting.

It would appear the courses at PRTS are very high quality and I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to some sermons of Dr. Beeke and Dr. Murray. On the other hand, I have grown tremendously in the Reformed view through the Ligonier podcasts. I have no doubt that further growth would result from either choice. :book2:
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