Orthodox Study Bible...again...

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I keep placing it in my cart and taking it out...I'm not sure I want it. It's more like a novelty then a book I'd read.
Is that a study Bible put out by the Orthodox church? If so, the notes would contain their theology. I don't know if you would have a use for it. It would be like buying a Catholic study Bible.
A fellow educator that I work with is Greek Orthodox and he lent me his study Bible to peruse. I believe it was the one that is being discussed. Translation was NKJV. Not surprising, given the Byzantine-base. Notes, if I remember correctly, were very much geared at justifying the Orthodox tradition. He offered to get me one (just cannot seem to have enough Bibles!), but there clearly was not profit in me having one, given some of the theological espousings contained in the notes.
It would be useful if you deal with EO's.

True. But with the wealth of information available to us via the web regarding the GO theological structure, we may be better served to put that money toward something more profitable--such as another purchase from Allan and Sons (see, just cannot have enough):lol:.
You’re absolutely right.

As for the Allan’s Bibles, I’ve heard nothing but good things about them but I recently ordered a Bible from TBS (printed by Cambridge) and it’s exceeded my expectations. It’s a wonderful Bible, great quality and even includes the Scottish Psalter!

(I still think the Orthodox Bible is purrtee.)
I recently ordered a Bible from TBS (printed by Cambridge) and it’s exceeded my expectations. It’s a wonderful Bible, great quality and even includes the Scottish Psalter!

The Pitt Minion I purchased from TBS has been put through the wringer of difficult circumstance and is still wonderfully intact. All of that for $56.
Sorry to be a bit :offtopic:
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