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On "refuting Romanists"

Scott, I'm grateful for your serious treatment of these admittedly very hard questions from "Father Paddy O'Furniture" (ha ha).

For those of us have had the oportunity to interact with Roman apologists, we know that they can be both more winsome and more knowledgeable than your interlocutor. But you've touched on all the right topics.

Here is a brief overview of the topics you touch on:

* Catholics simply assume their definition of "Church".

* Catholics simply assume their definition of "catholic".

Neither of these is easy to discern, though, because they often go unstated until much later in discussions.

* The notion of a "sacramental" priesthood, coupled with the Roman doctrine of "apostolic succession" that leads to recent Roman statements that Reformed churches are not real churches.

* The "Eucharistic mystery"

Even individuals with serious grounding and education in Reformed doctrines, who are unprepared for the arguments that Roman apologists are making these days can be susceptible to making serious errors in dealing with these folks.

You've given both Scriptural and biblical-historical repsonses to these items, and I hope some time soon that there will be a more thorough treatment of each of these issues.

But in the meantime, I'd heartily recommend that people give a listen to this.
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