Nation of Gods and Earths

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Marrow Man

Drunk with Powder
Does anyone know anything about the Nation of Gods and Earths. It appears to be an off shoot of the Nation of Islam. A former student of my wife has gotten swept up in this cult at Spelman College in Atlanta.
Does anyone know anything about the Nation of Gods and Earths. It appears to be an off shoot of the Nation of Islam. A former student of my wives has gotten swept up in this cult at Spelman College in Atlanta.

How many wives do you have??? :)

But to answer the Q: Never of heard of them.
OK, Nathan, I think I'm going to back into that post and put away my extra wives! That's what I get for trying to type something after 11 pm!
They are really popular in hip hop, see also 5 percenter. In Wu-Tang, I believe, U God is a member. Busta Rythmes is also a member and of course, "Poor Righteous Teachers" espouse the 5 Percent beliefs. :gpl: It's been a while since I heard them mentioned.

Origin of Five-Percent title

Five Percenters also teach that Black people specifically, and the entire world population more generally, can be divided into three groups:

* The 85%, easily led in the wrong direction hard to be led in the right direction, who are the humble masses, mentally deaf, dumb, and blind to the truth about themselves and the world in which they live.
* The 10%, who understand much of the truth but use it to their advantage to keep the 85% under their control through religion, politics, entertainment, economics, and other methods.
* The 5%, who are the enlightened divine beings, the poor righteous teachers, having repossessed knowledge of the truth regarding the foundations of life and of oneself, and seek to liberate the 85% through education.

The percentages presented, according to most Five Percenters, are not meant to be exact but are instead meant to represent the public, the religious and political rulers, and the few truly enlightened people on earth, respectively. The numbers used point out common traits to identify the members of these three groups and can be fully understood using the language of Supreme Mathematics.

5 percenters though many people believe that the 5 percenters are strictly an offshoot of the NOI, this is not actually true. the reason for this misconception is that the originator of the 5 percent nation, or the Nation of Gods and Earths, was Clarence 13x, a well known member of the NOI who actually left the NOI because he didnt want to accept Wallace Fard Muhammad as his God. in fact, Clarence's 1969 assassination is rumored to have been committed by members of the NOI. 5 percenters belief system arent even an offshoot of orthodox Islam even though the nation considers its culture Islamic. the 5 Percent Nation is based on the supreme mathematics which are used to understand the supreme alphabet. many people misconstrue their beliefs as racist, however, a better understanding of the 5 percenter belief system will show that it is probably one of the least racist belief systems in current existence. these common misconceptions are due to some common terms that 5 percenters have changed in their belief system.
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