Humorous Name for a Kid

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All I can say is wow. WOW!

Of course, most of us, if we look into what our names mean, have quite noble ideas to live up to.

For instance, the meaning of my name...

Ivan = God's gracious gift

Roy = King

Schoen = handsome

All I can say is wow. WOW!!!

You took the words right out of my mouth Ivan

"WOW !

All I can say is wow. WOW!

Of course, most of us, if we look into what our names mean, have quite noble ideas to live up to.

For instance, the meaning of my name...

Ivan = God's gracious gift

Roy = King

Schoen = handsome

All I can say is wow. WOW!!!

Not sure what the kid is going to think...

(of course, who am I to be commenting....:whistle: )
Sounds like a couple of cases of outsized parental egomania to me...

"I don't care if the kid gets laughed at and teased, and has to spend his entire life spelling and explaining his weird names. I got to massage my ego, and that's all that matters..."

Makes me wonder what else is wrong with these parents...
My mom used to work at a school with a lady whose name was Cinnamon McMinnamin (before she got married).

My great grandmother had a friend in high school named Ima Golden Lily.

And back in the 1700's, on that same great grandmother's side, we had four generations of men named Shubael Seaver.
Back when my mom was a schoolteacher, she not only had fun teaching 5th graders while having the married name of Hooker, but a school secretary's married name was *I kid you not* Enema.

Imagine being a parent hearing, "Hello, this is Mrs. Enema, how can I help you?"
Don't be ashamed of your last name. Remember the great Puritan minister Thomas Hooker! :pilgrim:
Oh I thoroughly enjoy having my last name and consider a cousin a traitor to the family for changing it because his fiancee at the time didn't like it.

My future wife will just have to accept becoming a Hooker on our wedding day :D
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I worked in the mail room of the university I went to and we had an applicant named Kenneth Bud Wilson. Not so funny until you consider that it was a girl - Miss Kenneth Bud. Had to go right back to the initial application to make sure of that one. Guess Daddy wanted a boy.

Also, we had a Coffee Kupps.

Scott, your MC is going to have a great time at the wedding. I hope your future in-laws have a good sense of humor. To them, she's their sweet little girl, and has been for years. One "I do" with you and she's a Hooker. :)
I worked in the mail room of the university I went to and we had an applicant named Kenneth Bud Wilson. Not so funny until you consider that it was a girl - Miss Kenneth Bud. Had to go right back to the initial application to make sure of that one. Guess Daddy wanted a boy.

Also, we had a Coffee Kupps.

Scott, your MC is going to have a great time at the wedding. I hope your future in-laws have a good sense of humor. To them, she's their sweet little girl, and has been for years. One "I do" with you and she's a Hooker. :)
Considering that my future best man (best friend) is by far one of the most sarcastic, funny people I know, and that one of the future groomsmen (another close friend) is fond of outrageous humor, it will be a thoroughly memorable occasion. I really hope the future in-laws and future wife have good senses of humor ;)

That said, I hope to also have a wedding memorable in the sense of proving just how parodoxical (based on our lives) our last name is.
That said, I hope to also have a wedding memorable in the sense of proving just how parodoxical (based on our lives) our last name is.

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