Herman Hoeksema - God's goodness always particular

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You could contact the Reformed Free Publishing Association: www.rfpa.org. I have a friend who just retired from being a copy editor there and I could ask her. She appears to be able to find just about any Hoeksema book I've ever asked her about...

We lost a huge source of rare/used Reformed books around here particularly when the old Kregel's sold all of its stock a couple of years ago. That was a catastrophe, In my humble opinion.

I will ask my friend re: the book you're inquiring about, assuming no one else has a source...

You could contact the Reformed Free Publishing Association: www.rfpa.org. I have a friend who just retired from being a copy editor there and I could ask her. She appears to be able to find just about any Hoeksema book I've ever asked her about...

We lost a huge source of rare/used Reformed books around here particularly when the old Kregel's sold all of its stock a couple of years ago. That was a catastrophe, In my humble opinion.

I will ask my friend re: the book you're inquiring about, assuming no one else has a source...


Thansk Margaret,

Thansk afor your repley.
I already took contact with the Reformed Free Publishing Association, but they wrote me, that they don't have any plans of publishing any books of Herman Hoeksema for the future!
That's very sad, because Hoeksema was a great theologion, and i love to read his books.
That book "God's goodness always particular", hath not been reprinted sinds 1939!!!
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