Future Grace

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Puritan Board Sophomore
I have just started Piper's Future Grace. I got no further than the introduction
when I was struck by two sentences. "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied with him." and "Sin is what you do when your heart is not satisfied with God." I repent! As I read on and begin to understand the concept of living in future grace I am convicted of simple things like dreaming of winning the lottery - a desire to provide for my self and not have to depend on God's grace everyday. laus deo!
Truthfully, yes...although I have some others on my bookshelf that I haven't gotten around to reading yet. I confess.. I buy more books than I have time to read!:book2:
Yes, I've read the book and it is pretty good. The only thing with Piper that I might disagree with is that he occasionally seem to suggest that being fully satisfied with God is humanly possible on earth. I don't think that he actually believes this since this would imply some sort of perfectionism which is opposed to Reformed theology. It might have a connection with his charismatic tendencies. So long as our sinful nature remains, we will never experience perfect happiness. There will be perfect happiness in God where there is perfect holiness; that is, in heaven.
The word satisfied can a tricky word and should be used only with a clear understanding of what is meant. The root meaning (from the Latin) means enough.

"I am satisfied with God" can mean: "I don't need anything else in life other than God, because He is more than enough."

But "I am satisfied with God" can mean: "Where I am in my relationship with God right now is enough. I don't need to go any farther."
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