Did you get your spouse anything special for Christmas?

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Puritan Board Sophomore
I got my wife the DVD Madagascar.

That's all. Seriously. :eek: Nothing else.

And yes, our 26+ year marriage is doing just fine. :bigsmile:
Originally posted by gwine
I got my wife the DVD Madagascar.

That's all. Seriously. :eek: Nothing else.

And yes, our 26+ year marriage is doing just fine. :bigsmile:

Special is different for each person...I got mine a necklace she was wanting and some new PJ's and she was very happy. Of course the anniversary is coming up...
My wife and I are celebrating christmas this morning, after I get off of work. It is our fourth christmas, put the first one where we have had a tree--though in this case "shrub" might be a better term. It is a 3ft thingy from Wally World.

Anyways, I bought her a bench for her keyboard. Not too special, but it is what she wanted and it was close to the $25 limit that I set.
Anne recieved a new Calf-skin ESV the Christmas which she seems very happy with. Thanks Beth for suggesting this!
a 1c diamond ring. When we got engaged in 1988 I couldn't afford a very nice ring (I think it was around $300) so this year I got her a good one.

Also, a very large picture to hang in the bedroom. One of those that has the water that looks like it is moving as well as water sound effects if you so choose to turn it on.
My wife is visiting her friend up the street now...while vacuuming our kitchen and family room. We're really impressed with her new iRobot Roomba Vacuuming Robot.

Originally posted by blhowes
My wife is visiting her friend up the street now...while vacuuming our kitchen and family room. We're really impressed with her new iRobot Roomba Vacuuming Robot.


I've been looking at those for more than a year. Does it really work? We have all hardwood floors and a cat. Vacuuming two times a week takes its toll and doesn't keep up.

BTW, my wife received two non-Christmass presents. A dinner and some diamond earrings.
Originally posted by blhowes
Originally posted by victorbravo
I've been looking at those for more than a year. Does it really work? We have all hardwood floors and a cat. Vacuuming two times a week takes its toll and doesn't keep up.
I was surprised, but it really does work well cleaning the floors, both the hardwood and carpetted floors. It even goes under the couches, does its thing, then comes out and continues on. It comes with two 'fake walls' (units that emit an infrared beam) so you can control where it cleans. When its finished or when the battery starts to go low, it returns to the charger for recharging.

We've been thinking of one of these too. Since I now know someone who has one and likes it I just may have to go get one!
Originally posted by houseparent
We've been thinking of one of these too. Since I now know someone who has one and likes it I just may have to go get one!
Have you checked out their website? I had just seen the one they showed on TV, but they have a couple to choose from. There's even one that sweeps, washes, and dries the kitchen floor.

I was reminded how important it is to shop around for bargains. I bought the vacuum at a local department store for what I thought was a reasonable price. Right after buying it, I decided to go to Home Depot to browse around (to get ideas just in case I got money for Christmas). As I was leaving the store, I saw it for $50 less than what I had paid. Needless to say, I bought it there and returned the other one.
My dear wife received, "How to become Reformed in five easy steps." I wonder if she noticed the "book" had no ISBN number and had the look of being printed off a home printer.
Plenty of good good lovin:D And money for her to buy a new camera; she is a proffesional photographer.
Actually, she received a new bible and a jacket from L.L. Bean that she had been wanting. I always enjoy seeing my bride of 16 years smile.
Originally posted by blhowes
I was surprised, but it really does work well cleaning the floors, both the hardwood and carpetted floors. It even goes under the couches, does its thing, then comes out and continues on. It comes with two 'fake walls' (units that emit an infrared beam) so you can control where it cleans. When its finished or when the battery starts to go low, it returns to the charger for recharging.

... but ... make sure if you buy one that you hang onto your receipt. We ended up returning ours today. It worked well when we first tried it, with dirt and dust and bird feathers. It didn't work well picking up somewhat larger, heavier items that a normal vacuum would have no problem with.
I got her the freezer. It's about 7 cubic feet, or about 2X the size of our over-the-refrigerator box.

That, and a card-table she asked for.
Originally posted by blhowes
Originally posted by blhowes
I was surprised, but it really does work well cleaning the floors, both the hardwood and carpetted floors. It even goes under the couches, does its thing, then comes out and continues on. It comes with two 'fake walls' (units that emit an infrared beam) so you can control where it cleans. When its finished or when the battery starts to go low, it returns to the charger for recharging.

... but ... make sure if you buy one that you hang onto your receipt. We ended up returning ours today. It worked well when we first tried it, with dirt and dust and bird feathers. It didn't work well picking up somewhat larger, heavier items that a normal vacuum would have no problem with.

I want the kitchen scruber more than the vacuum! A kitchen after 13 girls have snack or eat a meal is a mess. We can't sweep and mop it enough.
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