Catholicism and Paganism

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Puritan Board Professor
I haven't seen too much regarding the specific antecedents of Catholic practices other than people noting that they are of pagan origin. Are there any good resources on the subject?
Hello John,

One Ralph Woodrow, who had written, Babylon Mystery Religion, influenced deeply by Hislop’s book, later retracted his view (and pulled his book off the market) after realizing Hislop badly erred; here is a review he wrote (in PDF), "THE TWO BABYLONS: A Case Study in Poor Methodology", published in Christian Research Journal, 1999 Volume: 22 Number: 2. If Hislop got the foundation wrong, is what he built on it of worth?
Much appreciative to you for the article and bringing to one's attention Ralph Woodrow's retraction concerning some inaccuracies gleaned from Hislop's book. His intergrity in so doing is to be commended.
The Roman priest Malachi Martin (ironically) hinted at how some cities like New York, which had a strong influx of "Old World" Christian traditions, which traditions, so he claims, drew upon pagan practices, made for a dangerous combination. See Hostage to the Devil
I have a number of Malachi Martin and Avro Manhattan books contra Roman Catholicism if anyone's interested (not Hostage to the Devil, though, which is available in various formats here).
Any others? I looked up Pagan Christianity by Frank Voila but, I am hesitant to read it after the reviews I read. It seems he is emergent (house church movement) thinks everything from Christmas to liturgies and sermons as well as Sunday worship is pagan. Unfortunately, looking this up in Google one finds similar, superficial webpages.
Any others? I looked up Pagan Christianity by Frank Voila but, I am hesitant to read it after the reviews I read. It seems he is emergent (house church movement) thinks everything from Christmas to liturgies and sermons as well as Sunday worship is pagan. Unfortunately, looking this up in Google one finds similar, superficial webpages.

I think Viola is probably correct in diagnosis if not in solutions. I've read some stuff by him that wasn't bad. Not great, but okay.
Peter Brown, The Cult of the Saints is an excellent starting point.
Being new to the boards, it looks like it is not politically incorrect to speak as the reformers did concerning the Papacy?
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