Baptist Covenant Books?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hi! Any covenant theology books you can recommend from a Baptist perspective? I know they are few and far between, which I think is a shame. Please help.

For His Glory-
Matthew Wilson

Covenant Theology is variegated and nuanced.
Generally speaking, there were four different views concerning the nature of the Mosaic Covenant espoused by the seventeenth-century Puritans. First, the Mosaic Covenant was a covenant of works. Second, the Mosaic Covenant was a subservient covenant. Third, the Mosaic Covenant was a mixture of the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. Fourth, the Mosaic Covenant was the Covenant of Grace.
The difficulty in classifying the various Puritans according to these four categories is that “many of them held several of the different views in varying combinations.” As a result, some divines seemed confused and contradictory. Other divines use the same terminology of the various classifications but in different senses. Moreover, many theologians within the same general category differ on the various details of the Mosaic Covenant. Nonetheless, if we are careful to make the necessary distinctions, these four classifications are both necessary and useful. After all, the Puritans themselves employed them.
- D. Patrick Ramsey, “In Defense of Moses”, Westminster Theological Journal 66.2 (Fall 2004)

You’ll find the covenantal views described by Ramsey are true not only for Paedobaptists but for Credobaptists as well.

I'm attempting to collect Covenantal Baptist views here. (thanks for the link Jason!)
Here are some examples
The Covenant Theology of the 1689
As has already been mentioned Nehemiah Coxe's "From Adam to Christ"
Robert Howells' "The Covenants"
Again, as already mentioned, Arthur Pink's "Divine Covenants"
David Kingdon's "Children of Abraham" has a chapter on Baptist Covenant Theology
Fred Malone's lectures series "God's Covenants" and his book, "The Baptism of Disciples Alone"
Walter Chantry's "The Covenant of Works and of Grace" (a favorite of mine)
and finally Jeffrey Johnson's recent "The Fatal Flaw of the Theology Behind Infant Baptism"

Also, be sure to follow Brandon Adams' blog
:lol:, everyone's post was helpful...except mine!
Ha! That's not true Jason! I referenced you in my post :)

Unless Paedobaptists are specifically discussing the application of the sacrament into the New Covenant Community, you won't wind much difference in our Covenant Theologies.
Owen on Hebrews 8:6-13 (included in the "From Adam to Christ" mentioned above)
Pink's "Divine Covenants"

Start with those two and you won't need to read much else
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