100 Best "Conservative" Movies

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Forrest Gump is an existentialist movie. It is not firendly to Christian views.

Would you agree that it "indicts" the 1960's counter-culture as the article states? [/quote]

From what I recall, it really didn't ... other than suggesting Jenny's death was a result of her wild living (I seem to recall an allusion to AIDS as the explanation to her death, but it was a long time ago ...)

Interesting question!

Yes, I would personally not use the word "indict," although I think one could argue the movie shows Black Panthers and drug use in a bad light. On the other hand it presents a mixed message of the peace movement and Vietnam. I thought the splicing of Forrest Gump with the various Presidents was pretty funny. I would not call it a "conservative" movie by any means.

[Edited on 3-22-2006 by VirginiaHuguenot]
I only saw Forrest Gump once, just a year or so ago on TV, I didn't think it was as great as had been previously reported. I suppose if FG is a simple man who knows right from wrong (yet is not afraid to follow his own path), in contrast with Jenny who represents the culture of do whatever you want, no standards, and appears to be sometimes elated but mostly in trouble... does that make it "conservative"?
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