1 Corinthians 6 - corrupt law courts and Paul's experience in Acts

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Puritan Board Senior
There seems to be general agreement that criminal justice had a degree of impartiality. Likewise there is similar agreement that civil justice was corrupt and that a decree in your favour was largely down to who you knew and who you bribed. In this context Paul is horrified at the Corinthians using the civil court to take advantage of fellow "christians" who are less well connected or poorer.

In Paul's arrest in Jerusalem, did this come under civil or criminal law? The reason I ask is that Felix was moved to release Paul - once Paul paid up! It does form an example of the sort of bribes expected by such a prominent person as Felix.

[BIBLE]Acts 24:26[/BIBLE]
[BIBLE]Acts 24:27[/BIBLE] I guess justice was also at the whim of "favours" as well as bribes!
I think it came under criminal law because Rome was over him, it is very likely civil law would have been taken care of by Roamn appionted local men, not men of Rome. Rome did accept bribes.
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