Dear friends
A slightly bizarre question, but in my FPP edition of the Westminster Confession of Faith (1976, repr. 1990), the 'Epistle to the Reader' is signed by (among others) Henry Wilkinson, D.D. A.M.P.
Does anyone here happen to know the meaning of A.M.P.?
Just curious!
Is there a specific reason that there is no comma after the word "God"? Seems a more natural punctuation, at least in modern English, would be:
Is there a nuance in meaning I am missing? Or is it just how they did punctuation in the puritan era?
The Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter XXIV, section IV: Marriage ought not to be within the degrees of consanguinity or affinity forbidden in the Word;a nor can such incestuous marriages ever be made lawful by any law of man, or consent of parties, so as those persons may live together as...
law of god
levirate marriage
original westminster confession
seventh commandment
wcf 24.4
westminster assembly
Unmasking Self-Flattery in the Church by C. Matthew McMahon
Self-deception is inherent in everyone, even born-again Christians, those who have much biblical light and knowledge. And whatever degree of holiness they are currently at, they are satisfied with where they are. In this satisfaction...
belgic confession
canons of dort
order of salvation
ordo salutis
simeon ashe
synod of dordt
westminster assembly
westminster divine
I would like to know if anyone knows any books on the Westminister Confessions. I have heard of "The Shorter Catechism Explained from Scripture" By Thomas Vincent and "A Body of Divinity" By Thomas Watson. Are there any more titles that you are aware of on this subject? Thank you.