Search results for query: YEC

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  1. AC.


    ...for those who believe in Darwin's evolution either partially or in whole It drives me nuts how smug evolutionists are, and how they discredit YEC's as crazy here are some questions -how did we acquire brains? (feeling, emotions, rational thought etc.) -what started everything? (the...
  2. ChristianTrader

    YEC Creationist Comeback or YEC its not just for Liberty anymore

    ...A commentary piece from Christianity Today can be found here: I personally see this development as huge. Going from ID (which is more "scientifically acceptable") to YEC is a large step.
  3. No Other Name

    YEC Internal Disputes are Getting More Bizarre

    ...dynamic processes within the Creation week seem more likely as opposed to static "insta-baking" of the day's constituent elements within most YEC models is somewhat controversial among YEC circles. On this issue, slippery slope fallacies abound and the application of the scientific method...
  4. N

    YEC -- how reconcile 6000 year age with "open" genealogies?

    My question is regarding Young Earth Creationism. YEC typically says they believe the age of the earth to be around 6000-10,000 years old based on adding up ages in genealogies. However, there are some who believe that some of the genealogies in Scripture can be "open" when comparing them...
  5. ChristianTrader

    New YEC book

    Coming To Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth Coming to Grips with Genesis | Old Testament Studies I think it looks quite interesting.
  6. glorifyinggodinwv

    I now believe in YEC

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Faith, I have now come to believe in Young Earth Creationism. For whatever reason, my theology seems more complete. I must say I have felt a deep sense of comfort and joy about this growth in my overall Biblical theology. The reason I am announcing this on the PB...
  7. sastark

    A Suggested Bibliography for a Historical Theological study of YEC

    Now that summer is here for me, I no longer have to worry about reading what I have been assigned to read, and instead get to read what I want to read! (yes, I am truly a geek when I still want to read on my vacation from school) So, I am wondering if the scholars of the PB can recommend...
  8. NaphtaliPress

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    Why does Ham accuse other YEC of being evolutionists? Why would that factor if they are YEC?
  9. Ulster Fry

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    Request to the moderators - if this thread descends into YEC against OEC or whatever, please lock the thread. It was never my intent for this to happen. The reason I outlined that I am not YEC and not a fan of Ken Ham is just so that people know my own biases when I posted the video. I wasn't...
  10. RamistThomist

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    I’m not YEC, but I fully agree with everything above
  11. Ulster Fry

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    Yes, I didn’t mean to stifle discussion I just didn’t want things to descend into typical YEC vs OEC etc debate, particularly as the two parties in this dispute are both YEC so it’s not relevant. In terms of material, the video linked above mentions a podcast called ‘Let’s Talk Creation’ hosted...
  12. RamistThomist

    Muether on Van Til: A Review (pt 1)

    One of the more prominent YEC-ers is Doug Phillips, who is a rabid Van Tillian. It was his use of Van Til that convinced me of YEC.
  13. Ulster Fry

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    ...controversy itself. I would encourage anyone with questions to read his Q&A posts above. It's really encouraging to see that there are serious YEC scientists fairly interpreting the data, not at the expense of their YEC, but as a means of strengthening the YEC position through credible...
  14. No Other Name

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    ...I will not even see my family until 7 pm. So, basically - for myself - I will not be able to watch it until Friday evening. But coming from a YEC physics teacher and an avid reader of Answers Research, I will preface any ensuing discussion by saying that most serious YEC scientists have...
  15. MyCrows

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    Hmmm.... This and it seems that within cultural Christianity sometimes belief in YEC itself is elevated to the place of saving knowledge of Christ. Which in a sense leads to what Elizabeth has described.
  16. A

    Classical Reformed Apologetics

    I'm also a YEC, my favorite YEC is astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle who also happens to be a presuppositionalist. :cheers:
  17. Ulster Fry

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    Yes, you are spot on I think. Ham is attacking serious YEC scientists here and accusing them of leading people astray, giving support to evolutionists, etc. But I will say this - as a result of this video, and figures such as Dr Marcus Ross, it has actually helped the YEC cause. This is a...
  18. No Other Name

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    Thank you for starting this important thread!
  19. RamistThomist

    Classical Reformed Apologetics

    I thought most natural theology guys were Old Earth. It's the presups who are mainly YEC.
  20. A

    young earth creationists- do I want to go to this?

    Even if they are old agers, it appears their presentations will be primarily about evidence for design and complexity in the universe. It will be targeted against evolution, it appears, not against YEC (I'm YEC too btw).
  21. earl40

    The Framework View of Creation

    Just curious. Is there any possibility that a scientific discovery could change one from a YEC to an OEC which would force a person to read Genesis differently than from a YEC viewpoint? This is what happened with Galileo right?
  22. C

    Book on the defense of the young earth ?

    Just to be sure, you mean you believe in six 24 hour days but are not sure whether you believe the earth or young or old?
  23. Vox Oculi

    The Proper Domain of (Natural) Science

    Why conclude this? Is there something unique about YEC that does not apply to OEC or to evolutionism? If not, it's not the doctrinal impetus of YEC that is the issue of contention but I suspect, disagreeable conclusions.
  24. ChristianTrader

    Intelligent Design and 6,000 years

    I am not following the GEO to YEC as YEC to OEC? Are you saying that each is a progression from the previous? I see if you are going to be hardcore YEC then it is very hard to reject GEO but if you accept both, and OEC cannot say much too you besides point, laugh etc. I do not see flat...
  25. MarieP

    Book on the defense of the young earth ?

    It's not about YEC as a system (that's stated at the outset of the book), but it's a great exposition of the first chapters of Genesis that convinced me of YEC. The Battle For The Beginning (9780849916250): John MacArthur: Books
  26. MLCOPE2

    Views On Creationism...

    I hold to YEC.
  27. Warren

    Young earth and the reformers

    Earth Day to YEC Day?
  28. TheInquirer

    Internal Dispute Within the Young Earth Creationist Movement

    Hopefully this is within the scope of the original post (happy to start a new thread) but is there a good YEC critique of AiG I could read? Looking for an honest take on what they do well and dont. Or alternately, if AiG isn’t completely trustworthy, who is a good option for YEC?