Am I overly optimistic, or do you agree they can win it?

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Puritan Board Professor


Amazing! The Red Sox are going to the world series, first game starts in less than an hour, and not a Red Sox thread to be found.

Your predictions? I predict the Red Sox will win it in 7 games.
They aren't underdogs anymore, they already got the monkey off their back and have been good for several years now.

America will root for Colorado this time instead, I think the country is a little tied of Boston sports at the moment and doesn't want them to monopolize the championships for the year.

America will root for Colorado this time instead, I think the country is a little tied of Boston sports at the moment and doesn't want them to monopolize the championships for the year.

I don't, brother. Based on the results thus far, it looks like the majority (66% - Andrew and myself) of the country is routing for the soon-to-be-once-again-world-champion Boston Red Sox!
America will root for Colorado this time instead, I think the country is a little tied of Boston sports at the moment and doesn't want them to monopolize the championships for the year.

I don't, brother. Based on the results thus far, it looks like the majority (66% - Andrew and myself) of the country is routing for the soon-to-be-once-again-world-champion Boston Red Sox!
:agree: Go Sox!


Amazing! The Red Sox are going to the world series, first game starts in less than an hour, and not a Red Sox thread to be found.

Your predictions? I predict the Red Sox will win it in 7 games.

Bob, If they win, Ill be in Mass in December and will treat you to your choice of
1) Ken's
2) marios
3)Bella Costa.

Colorado in 6....
The Red Sox are today's Yankees. They disgust me with their pretend notion that they are not all about buying a championship. I hope their 100 million dollar import blows two games for them this series.
The Red Sox are today's Yankees. They disgust me with their pretend notion that they are not all about buying a championship. I hope their 100 million dollar import blows two games for them this series.

:lol: - Fred, I'm still bitter about the Sox beating the Tribe three straight as well.
The Red Sox are today's Yankees. They disgust me with their pretend notion that they are not all about buying a championship. I hope their 100 million dollar import blows two games for them this series.

Game 1: Red Sox win 13-1

:lol: - Fred, I'm still bitter about the Sox beating the Tribe three straight as well.
Come on, guys, its time to bury the hatchet and move on. Maybe next year the moccasin will be on the other foot and we'll all be routing for the Indians to beat some National League team.

But for now...

Give me a G!
Give me an O!
Give me an S!
Give me an O!
Give me an X!

Bob, I want the Sox to win. They were the team of my youth and so I always enjoy cheering them on. However, I remain cynical of the whole system. Call me a conspiracy nut but I believe the winner has already been chosen. Last night's game was proof.

The Rockies have been a winning machine, unstoppable. The country wants to see them win. They could easily win in 4 games BUT that wouldn't sell many commercials would it. Hence, the Illuminati or Trilaterals or Skull & Bones or whomever is running the world of power politics determined that the Sox would win the first game, maybe even the second. This will shock everyone and make folks think the Sox can go all the way. Obviously it's going to go 7 games, each team trading wins, and the Rockies will be the victors. It will just sell more commercials this way.

I also think it's obscene the way the powers that be have moved these games to start so late. When I was in middle school, our little 4 room school house stopped and TVs were brought in to each classroom and we watched Yaz, Boomer Scott, Jim Lonborg, Reggie Smith, Kenny Herrelson, Rico Petrocelli, and the rest of the Beantown Bombers ALMOST beat the Cardinals for the Series. It made true and hearty fans. Now it's all about the money and politics.

Signed, a sadder but wiser Red Sox fan. (To be fair, I've never recovered from the jading I incurred from Bill Buckner's error in game 6 of the '86 series. Oh the humanity, arrrrgh.)
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Come on Fred. Yes, the Sox have a 100 million dollar payroll. So what? The Yankees, Mets, Cubs and Angels are there too. Boston is a baseball town. I'm a Met fan but I like Varitek, Schilling and Youkalis.

Oh, and by the Sox winning it just increases the angst of Yankee fans. I love it.
Come on Fred. Yes, the Sox have a 100 million dollar payroll. So what? The Yankees, Mets, Cubs and Angels are there too. Boston is a baseball town. I'm a Met fan but I like Varitek, Schilling and Youkalis.

Oh, and by the Sox winning it just increases the angst of Yankee fans. I love it.

The Sox are exactly like the Yankees. What team could pay $50 millions dollars just to negotiate with a player? The Sox payroll is actually $143 million, which is $30 million more than the next team on the scale (or the entire Marlins payroll). To put it in perspective, Boston's payroll - which does not include the $50million paid to the Japanese - is about the same as the Rockies, Diamondbacks and Indians combined. If you include the money to the Japanese, the Boston payroll this year is $11 more than the Yankees.

Everyone gripes about how the large Yankee payroll ruins baseball, but Boston is just as big a culprit. And yes, the Angels are to blame too. So are the White Sox. This salary issue, and paying stiffs huge sums of money, has ruined baseball.

For the record - even before this season, the Sox and the Yankees disgust me. I would like nothing better than for these payroll monsters to go 50 years without making the playoffs, and their owners losing millions per year.
For what it's worth, this Canadian is cheering for the Sox. Yes a Canadian baseball fan.

Now let's all go watch some hockey!

I was surprized by the kill last night. But I am a die hard Cubs fan like my Grandpa. It is a genetic curse.
Come on Fred. Yes, the Sox have a 100 million dollar payroll. So what? The Yankees, Mets, Cubs and Angels are there too. Boston is a baseball town. I'm a Met fan but I like Varitek, Schilling and Youkalis.

Oh, and by the Sox winning it just increases the angst of Yankee fans. I love it.

The Sox are exactly like the Yankees. What team could pay $50 millions dollars just to negotiate with a player? The Sox payroll is actually $143 million, which is $30 million more than the next team on the scale (or the entire Marlins payroll). To put it in perspective, Boston's payroll - which does not include the $50million paid to the Japanese - is about the same as the Rockies, Diamondbacks and Indians combined. If you include the money to the Japanese, the Boston payroll this year is $11 more than the Yankees.

Everyone gripes about how the large Yankee payroll ruins baseball, but Boston is just as big a culprit. And yes, the Angels are to blame too. So are the White Sox. This salary issue, and paying stiffs huge sums of money, has ruined baseball.

For the record - even before this season, the Sox and the Yankees disgust me. I would like nothing better than for these payroll monsters to go 50 years without making the playoffs, and their owners losing millions per year.

Fred - there is no virtue in being a mid to small market team. If the owner of the Marlins had the resources he would spend the money. Same with the Devil Rays, Rockies, Royals etc. I'm a Met fan, not because the Mets do/don't spend money but because I grew up with Seaver, Koosman, Agree, Grote and Harrelson. I'm still a Met fan even though I agree with you that uncontrolled spending has ruined the game for many. But remember - baseball is a business. The large market teams have the regional television deals and can justify their outlandish cash outlays for the A-Rod's of the world.
Come on Fred. Yes, the Sox have a 100 million dollar payroll. So what? The Yankees, Mets, Cubs and Angels are there too. Boston is a baseball town. I'm a Met fan but I like Varitek, Schilling and Youkalis.

Oh, and by the Sox winning it just increases the angst of Yankee fans. I love it.

The Sox are exactly like the Yankees. What team could pay $50 millions dollars just to negotiate with a player? The Sox payroll is actually $143 million, which is $30 million more than the next team on the scale (or the entire Marlins payroll). To put it in perspective, Boston's payroll - which does not include the $50million paid to the Japanese - is about the same as the Rockies, Diamondbacks and Indians combined. If you include the money to the Japanese, the Boston payroll this year is $11 more than the Yankees.

Everyone gripes about how the large Yankee payroll ruins baseball, but Boston is just as big a culprit. And yes, the Angels are to blame too. So are the White Sox. This salary issue, and paying stiffs huge sums of money, has ruined baseball.

For the record - even before this season, the Sox and the Yankees disgust me. I would like nothing better than for these payroll monsters to go 50 years without making the playoffs, and their owners losing millions per year.

Fred - there is no virtue in being a mid to small market team. If the owner of the Marlins had the resources he would spend the money. Same with the Devil Rays, Rockies, Royals etc. I'm a Met fan, not because the Mets do/don't spend money but because I grew up with Seaver, Koosman, Agree, Grote and Harrelson. I'm still a Met fan even though I agree with you that uncontrolled spending has ruined the game for many. But remember - baseball is a business. The large market teams have the regional television deals and can justify their outlandish cash outlays for the A-Rod's of the world.
:ditto:.....What the Brother said!!!
I am just amazed that the Sox are winning by touch- downs instead of runs. IF they continue to hit like they are, I will have to change my prediction of Co in 6. How many runs has boston scored in the last 4 games? Like 50?

Bob, get your knife and fork ready, Ill have to treat at Ken;'s in december if the bums win.!!!!
:lol: - Fred, I'm still bitter about the Sox beating the Tribe three straight as well.
Come on, guys, its time to bury the hatchet and move on. Maybe next year the moccasin will be on the other foot and we'll all be routing for the Indians to beat some National League team.

But for now...

Give me a G!
Give me an O!
Give me an S!
Give me an O!
Give me an X!


Vomit!. At least that's what it FELT like for us Cleveland fans. :banghead::banghead::banghead::rant::rant::rant:

It's not that I have a horse to beat...I just wanna pound the snot outta something so...:deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse:

I know...I'll pretend the horse is Boston.

How'd they blow it? Somebody PLEEEEZE tell me how they blew it:p
Vomit!. At least that's what it FELT like for us Cleveland fans. :banghead::banghead::banghead::rant::rant::rant:

It's not that I have a horse to beat...I just wanna pound the snot outta something so...:deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse:

I know...I'll pretend the horse is Boston.

How'd they blow it? Somebody PLEEEEZE tell me how they blew it:p

Sabathia and Carmona were not able to step up when they needed to. Boston is just a very good team. I've never seen such patient hitters. They sat on pitch after pitch until they got one they could hit, and when they hit them they went far. :lol:

Maybe next year. That's what we Cleveland fans always say!
For what it's worth, this Canadian is cheering for the Sox. Yes a Canadian baseball fan.

Now let's all go watch some hockey!

Hey, Canadians can watch baseball... Growing up, I used to watch the Vancouver Canadians on CHEK-TV (and/or CBUT), but the gem of my sports TV growing up was Hockey Night in Canada :) U.S. announcers STILL can't beat the Canadians in sound commentating. I'm sure I'll never forget the voice of Jim Robson... ;)
See I told you, Boston has won the first two. I will confess. I was having a beer with my buddy Joe Ratzinger and he said that he had seen Nicholas Carpathia hand a note to one of his lackeys. The note was a list:

1: Sox
2: Sox
3: Rockies
4: Rockies
5: Sox
6: Rockies
7: Rockies

He told the lackey to call Fox News and have them run the headline: "Red Sox Beat Rockies in World Series Nail-Biter" after Game 2.

Both men then got into a black helicopter on silent mode and left. Joe also said that Carpathia's lackey looked suspiciously like Bill Buckner.

Anyway, I'm sorry you have to find out that it's all an illusion. The fix is in.
See I told you, Boston has won the first two. I will confess. I was having a beer with my buddy Joe Ratzinger and he said that he had seen Nicholas Carpathia hand a note to one of his lackeys. The note was a list:

1: Sox
2: Sox
3: Rockies
4: Rockies
5: Sox
6: Rockies
7: Rockies

He told the lackey to call Fox News and have them run the headline: "Red Sox Beat Rockies in World Series Nail-Biter" after Game 2.

Both men then got into a black helicopter on silent mode and left. Joe also said that Carpathia's lackey looked suspiciously like Bill Buckner.

Anyway, I'm sorry you have to find out that it's all an illusion. The fix is in.

Quick, somebody get to Bob's library and take all his Texe Marrs books out and burn them. :lol:
I also think it's obscene the way the powers that be have moved these games to start so late.
I agree. I had good intentions of watching yesterday's game, sat in the recliner (big mistake) around 7:30 and watched TV until gametime. Unfortunately, it was a long, hard day at work and I dozed off before the game started and barely remember getting up sometime later to go to bed.
See I told you, Boston has won the first two. I will confess. I was having a beer with my buddy Joe Ratzinger and he said that he had seen Nicholas Carpathia hand a note to one of his lackeys. The note was a list:

1: Sox
2: Sox
3: Rockies

The Rockies better get with Carpathia's program. Their messing your theory up!
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