Zephaniah - Introduction and Sermon Series Needed

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Puritan Board Freshman
I’ll be leading a men’s Bible study on Zephaniah shortly. Two questions for the group: 1) Does anyone know of a good online introduction to Zephaniah? Bible.org and gty.org have some very good introductions to books of the Bible, however, I would like to track something down from a reformed source; and 2) Can anyone recommend a useful sermon series on Zephaniah? I just came across one on Sermon Audio from Greg Bahnsen that’s been great but I’d like to get a couple more. Thank you.
My friend Will Wood is a Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta and did his dissertation at Westminster on Zephaniah and has preached through the book with recordings available on SermonAudio. I've not listened to them but I highly respect Will as a brother and scholar.
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