Your Church's Sermon - 04/03/2016

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hey, would anyone like to share what the sermon was about at their church? Feel free to interact with one another's initial posts and encourage each other, etc...
I preached on David's last words in 2 Samuel 23:1-7. I couldn't tell you if it was any good, but I certainly enjoyed studying and preparing for it.

I preached vv. 1-7 and then later dwelt on v. 5 as a communion meditation:

Although my house be not so with God;
yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant,
ordered in all things, and sure:
for this is all my salvation,
and all my desire,
although he make it not to grow.

There's a lot of experimental theology in that verse.
I continued my series in Hebrews and preached on Hebrews 13:7-9 and the centrality of Christ in the Christian life.
My pastor preached from Luke 7 about John the Baptist's disciples coming to ask of Jesus and also about the Pharisees being like children in the marketplace...
AM Eph 3:20-21, Thanksgiving for God's power

PM 1 John 1:4, Christian Joy
I continued my series in Hebrews and preached on Hebrews 13:7-9 and the centrality of Christ in the Christian life.

Would you share a little bit about verse 8?

Verse 8 could be the basis for a dozen or so sermons, but I think in the context of chapter 13, verse 8 is what connects verse 7 and 9. Verse 7 discusses Christians leaders and verse 9 discusses Christian doctrine. Human leaders are temporary, but Christ is eternal and so it is Christ who must be the true shepherd. In the same way, because Christ is eternal and unchanging, the gospel is also eternal and unchanging.
I continued in Luke with Jesus' warnings to the crowds "the woes" (Luke 6:24-26). It became a two parter so I'll pick up next week. I got through the woe to the rich and those who are full now.
Psalm 107.1-9

Split between an introduction to a series on the Psalms, dealing with the structure, types and purposes of the Psalms, and an exposition of the 9 verses from this morning's reading.
I heard an excellent sermon about the 2nd Commandment from Leviticus 10. It faithfully distinguished the first and second commandments, highlighted the importance of the 2nd Commandment, gave praise to the Lord for the deaths of Nadab and Abihu and pointed the congregation to Christ.
In the morning worship, I continued our series through Mark's Gospel, preaching 3.22-35. Jesus has bound the strong man, setting the captives free; thus, he has secured our forgiveness and brought us into the family of God.

In the evening worship, I preached from Psalm 32 on the benefits of our forgiveness in Christ.

I'm not terribly pleased with either sermon, feeling like I didn't communicate well. That stalwart of reformed theology, Adrian Rogers, once said, "If you lay an egg, stand back and admire it." So I'm admiring and thanking God that the Word will not return to him void, and that the best sermon I ever preach will be only as foolishness beside his unsearchable wisdom. May he be pleased and glorified with our efforts, weak though they often are.
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As you noted Brendan, the morning sermon was on Luke 7:19 -35. One particular thing I got out of that was the exposition of verse Luke 7:24 B, 'What went ye out into the wilderness for to see? A reed shaken with the wind?' The reed shaken by the wind as those who are like politicians and go with opinion as in whichever way the wind blows. Blown to and fro by every wind of doctrine.

The evening sermon continued where the morning left off, Luke 7:36-50. Expounding on those who recognize their sinfulness (the women who anoints and kisses His feet, and wipes them with her hair) as opposed to the Pharisee who invited Him to sup at his house and didn't provide water to wash His feet as was the custom of that time and place. The Pharisee listens to the parable of the two debtors who've been forgiven, the one who owed much and the one who owed little. The Pharisee condemns the women as a sinner but doesn't see himself a sinner.

I've probably mangled the sermon, but that is what I got out of it. :um:
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Revelation 5, the slain Lamb who is the only one worthy to open the scroll and is worthy of our worship. Preached by one of our pastoral interns.
In the morning, a Communion sermon from Romans 8.

In the evening, a sermon on the life of David from 2 Samuel 2.
That stalwart of reformed theology, Adrian Rogers, once said, "If you lay an egg, stand back and admire it."


You have to admit that the man had a way with words, and a rather distinctive voice. I think that I might be able to listen to him reading the phone book... :)

I honestly have never heard him. Really, I had never heard of him until I heard about his debate with James White over Calvinism.

Regarding your sermons from this Sabbath, I am happy to hear that you are able to take refuge in God's use of his own ordinances. If it is any consolation, the time I came to hear you preach, I found you a very clear communicator. Are you still working your way through the Psalms? Is that the context of your sermon from Psalm 32?
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