You must have of this mercy for yourselves

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (The Throne of Grace), Works 1:119-120:

You will never be saved, you shall never see God’s face in glory, unless his mercy deal with you, and apply itself as particularly to you, as if there were no other person in the world to be saved by mercy besides thyself. There is indeed a blessed multitude of the vessels of mercy, and the Captain of our salvation brings many sons to glory, Heb. 2:10. But yet there is a personal particular application of saving mercy to every saved sinner. And for this application of mercy, we should come to the throne of grace. Though there be infinite mercy at his throne, and though many receive of this mercy; yet you must have of this mercy for yourselves, or you cannot be saved. Your soul is your own, and no man’s else; your danger, sin, and misery, is your own, and no man’s else; and the mercy that saves you, must be as much your own, and not another body’s mercy.
That made me weep.

I remember hearing of a well-known Puritan who envied the preaching gifts of other men in his day. I truly envy the beauty with which many Puritans expressed doctrine.
:ditto: I am in concord with Semper Fidelis on this one. :ditto:

This excerpt from Robert Traill shows the simple beauty of the Gospel. We, elected by God alone, see the beauty in such words as these. :agree:
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