Yellow Ledbetter

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Is it possible (just possible) that Pearl Jam's "Yellow Ledbetter" could be the best song ever? Okay, a bit of an overstatement (but not much), but it certainly is a good song. I'm not sure how much of my love for it springs from the song itself, and how much from the adolescent autumns I spent listening to it, but whenever I hear it I just get shot through, top to bottom, with sensucht that few other songs can reproduce.

Surely there's at least one or two late 20's, early 30's on here that feel the same way.

Oh yeah: The only studio version I could find on youtube was in the Eddie Vedder tribute. Which is kind of lame. Mea culpa. For full effect, don't watch the video, just listen to the song.

Well, this thread has 5 views so far. Ergo, by resistless logic, I can safely assume that 5 more people have now placed "Yellow Ledbetter" firmly in their mind as "Best Song Ever."

It is indeed a great song, but borrows heavily from Stevie Ray Vaughn's riff (since it is a tribute and all).

Actually, I didn't know that. I've never listened to much of SRV (in the time-honored practice of PB acronym usage), and I'm not enough of a Pearl Jam fan to research song history and what not.

I'd like to hear the original, but I doubt I'd like it nearly as much, since Vedder's voice, for me, goes a long way towards making the song special.

Which version do you like more?
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