Works of mercy on the Lords Day - William Gouge

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Puritan Board Sophomore
22 Q. Wherein lyeth the difference betwixt doing works of mercy on the Sabbath and on other dayes?

A. Opportunities for works of mercy, are to be sought on the Sabbath, and taken on other daies, 1. Cor. 16. 2.

No Sabbath ought to passe over our heads wherin some worke of mercy (if at least we be able) is not done. The time that we spare from duties of piety, and from a lawfull refreshing of our bodies, ought to be spent in works of mercy. For which end it is requisite that we take due notice of such as are sicke, or in prison, or otherwise restrained of liberty, or any way troubled and perplexed, and of such as are poore, and in want: yea if we know none such, to enquire after them, and to goe to visit them, and comfort them, and relieve them. Where the Apostle enjoyneth to lay up something in store every first day in the weeke (which is the Lords day) he implies that that is a very fit season not only to doe workes of mercy which then are offered to us, but also to prepare on that day for other times.

Surely if every one would every Lords day lay something aside, as God hath prospered him, for a stocke to give to the poore, much good might be done thereby. Thus will men have more to give: thus will they have in a readinesse to give: (it being a sacred stock by their voluntary setting it apart to such an use, their conscience will account it sacriledge to lay it out any other way, thus will they more cheerefully give, because the stock out of which they give is prepared before hand: and thus will their benevolence on another day be a Sabbath-daies work, because it is out of the stock which on the Sabbath day was laid aside. If poore men that live on their daies labour, if servants that live on their wages would every Lords day lay up some tokens or pence for this end, they might have, without any sensible dammage to themselves a stock for the poore: how much greater stoare would be for the poore, if rich men according to Gods blessing on them, would so doe?

Excerpt From
The sabbaths sanctification by William Gouge
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