With special order and completeness, acrostic Psalms: help open and close the Psalms

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Puritan Board Sophomore
With special order and completeness, acrostic Psalms help open and close the Psalter
Psalms 9-10. 25. 34, 37 four sets in book 1
Psalms 111-112, 119, 145 three sets in book 5


Seven sets of skillfully written acrostic Psalms
all in the opening and closing books of the Psalter

Seven lines of thought put forth with this special emphasis
Lessons of import made easier to learn, with metronome syllabary
to help one keep these things in mind

Psalms opening
The blessed man will wrap book one, beginning and ending
Acrostic themed songs keep certain ideas in the forefront:
1- ...ABC... triumph over persecution, external evil, twin acrostics open
2-...DEFG... forgiveness of evil in me, internal evil
3-...HIJK... God's goodness is so good you can taste it even in interesting times
4- ...LMNO.... the meek will inherit the earth; an honor for the blessed man ending

Many other themes rise
some playing off these with melody and counter melodies

Acrostic themed songs keep certain ideas in the forefront:
5- . PQRS...the blessed God and the blessed man in union as twin acrostics open
The blessed man will wrap book one, beginning and ending of deliverance songs
6- ...TUVW...walking with the blessed man in the longest of Psalms
7- ...XYZ.... I will bless God and all Flesh will bless God David sings at his last; an honor for the blessed God ending
Psalms closing

Seven lines of thought put forth with this special emphasis
Lessons of import made easier to learn, with metronome syllabary
to help one keep these things in mind

Opening book of Psalms has 5 acrostic Psalms
Book 1: Psalms 9 -10 (one set) , 25, 34, 37
four sets
All Psalms of David's

God's glory surpasses the stars but uses sounds from the mouths of babes for his glory because of His enemies in Psalm 8
A to Z There will be victory over the wicked, even if it doesn't appear so yet , twins psalms speak of enemy defeat in Psalms 9 and 10
A to Z God is completely trustworthy in forgiving my guilt for his name's sake and saving me from troubles, Psalm 25
A to Z God is Good even in apparently chaotic stressful times, like when David had to fake being crazy - Psalm 34
A to Z The meek will inherit the earth, Psalm 37

The last in the set ends on the most strongly victorious note

Seven lines of thought put forth with this special emphasis
Lessons of import made easier to learn, with metronome syllabary
to help one keep these things in mind

The blessed man introduced, opposed, humbled and exalted in Psalms 1 through 8
In Psalm 8 God is glorified by the light coming out of stars and the sounds coming out of babies' mouths because of God's enemies
Psalms that follow 9 and 10 are twins
and regard the defeat of those enemies
victory over evil

David sings of victory of the wicked in the oddly titled ‘death of a son’ - muftalaben Psalm 9
David runs his course singing in a celebration of victory,
The righteous will prevail over the wicked
Singing in acrostic form through the psalm
David runs past the first selah, then second selah
and at the last selah abruptly runs out of track…. Psalm ends
David’s road has ended and leaps as it were to the next Psalm and continues.

The triumph over evil is here and not yet
Making certain the listener doesn't hear a song of 'over realized eschatology',
David sings another to make that clear

Psalm 10 untitled, yet similar in theme to the road he ran on,
Following a final and abrupt selah in Psalm 9,
David continues his acrostic race in Psalm 10, a road similar but different
No longer a celebration of victory over the wicked..
Now a lament. that the wicked at times have apparent victory
Apparent victory at times, but not final and this will pass
He prays for mercy
Not decisive and as he prepared to break the tape in his run
David ends singing of ultimate and decisive victory
And in Jesus there is victory in 'the death of a son' which is both here and not yet

Even the breaks from the order of acrostics may have meaning
In the next Psalm a cray of 'My God!' stands our breaking the typical acrostic order
The other few breaks may remind the hearer of the Psalmists breaking God's lays

In Psalm 25
David sings a psalm of encouragement to others of his complete trust regarding forgiveness, redemption and deliverance
First person and thorough and ordered as a chiasm acrostiic
leading up to and down from the center verse
He completely trusts in a God who is completely trustworthy
even for his guilt and shame
even for his distress and opposition
Even in the imperfections breaking the acrostic pattern
special emphasis on cries to God for forgiveness and redemption from falling short
as if the breads in the acrostic pattern represent his transgressions somehow

An appeal for mercy for the best of all reasons,
At the center is the central cry.... 'For Your name’s sake, O LORD, pardon my iniquity, for it is great. '
A celebration of the God who leads sinners in the way

Broad promises. Broad claims heaped on.
No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame,
All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant.
Future generations shall inherit the earth, a promise that will return more expansively in acrostic Psalm 37
Having begun and mostly sung in first person
David’s song reaches and expands to include others at times and especially at the end
May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, LORD, is in you.
Deliver Israel, O God, from all their troubles!

In Psalm 34 David sings a song from an unusual time
Acrostically, to emphasize order in an apparently disordered situation
God is close to the brokenhearted
and even in the midsted of stress taste and see that the Lord is good
Chaotic it may feel to be on the run from Saul, the Lord real and not pretend annointed
Stranger than fiction to work for the philistines
Now pressed to a point of crisis, David saves himself pretending to be crazy, drools on his beard
And looking back sings ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’
Even in this there is order
Even in this the Lord is good
Learn from it children
And as the tongue is for taste and discernment
It is discerning to keep your tongue from evil
And your lips from speaking lies
Ordered even in apparent chaos.
The Lord is good through it all
And lessons to be had

In Psalm 37, a declaration of dependent confident
Even in the face of opposition there is confidence
The meek shall inherit the earth
Those who wait on the lord
Will inherit the land
The meek shall inherit the earth
The dependence is complete and acrostic

The meek shall inherit the earth in Ps 37
In Psalm 38, the meek plead with God for things of mercies for themselves
and not anger

The blessed man, becomes poor for us and betrayed in Psalms 40 and 41
the blessed man closing, and wrapping Book 1

Book 1
David’s first book of Psalms has opened
Man and his place in creation
The opening and closing of the book wrapped in psalms about the blessed man

Book 5
The last book of Psalms opens
coming home
entering the promised land
Acrostics return
Closing book of Psalms has 4 more acrostic Psalms
Book 5: Psalms 111 - 112, 119 (authors anonymous) and 145 (final Psalm of David)
three sets

In Psalm 109 the Lord is at the right hand of the poor
In Psalm 110 the Lord is at the right hand of God
Now twins sing of the Lord who said to my Lord to sit at his right hand in side by side Psalms
A to Z The Blessed God is tethered to the Blessed man, A to Z , Psalms 111 and 112
The psalms of celebration of exodus victory, Psalms 113 through 118,
in between acrostic Psalms of the Blessed man
A to Z We are invited to walk in covenant with the blessed man, Psalms 119
A to Z The time will come when all flesh will bless God, Psalm 145

The last in the set ends on the most strongly victorious note

Psalms 111 and 112 are side by side twins
Parallel acrostics, same length, different subjects and interlinked
The blessed God and blessed man tied together somehow

Acrostic Songs of the blessed man stand on each side of the songs of Exodus deliverance celebration, the Hallal Psalms.
On one end, acrostic Psalms 111 and 112,
Psalm 111 about the blessed God
Psalm 112 about the blessed man
each running the gamit of all letters acrostic and complete,
tethered together by a phrase unique only to each other in the Psalms
" his righteousness endures forever." once in Psalm 111 about the blessed God
" his righteousness endures forever." twice in Psalm 112 about the blessed man
almost as if given a double portion of Elijah's Spirit
six other things enduring forever mentioned across the Blessed God and Blessed man
His righteousness sung in 111 thrice emphasized in 112
His charity in 111 thrice emphasized in 112
His desires met, to the wicked's chagrin sung in 111 thrice emphasized in 112
The righteousness, mercy and successfulness of God displayed with great clarity in the blessed man
on the other end of the Hallal Psalms 113-118 is acrostic Psalm 119
112 expounding the blessed man as if from A to Z
119 the more expansive on the other
and 112 applied to Jesus in Corinthians, who is the blessed man from A to Z

The Hallal songs of Passover,
exodus celebration in between
wrapped in anonymously authored acrostic psalms concerning the blessed man

Psalm 119
Longest chapter in the Bible:
Longest acrostic in the Bible
A relentless first person reception of God’s word
A relentless first person prayer to God for help keeping God’s word
An unfolding of God acting in a believer's life
Affliction and delight meet in an unexpected way
Psalm 1 has helped open the book of Psalms and now comes back expansively
As the psalms begin to close

Strongest acrostic psalms of victory side by side:
The meek shall inherit the earth in Psalm 37
All flesh shall bless God in Psalm 145

David sings his final song as an acrostic
All your works from A to Z will bless you
All the alls, underscored by the complete letter traversal
You, God, are my King
Yes, kings may sing to you
But you, God are my King
And this is what they will sing about
Your great acts
Your righteousness
Your goodness
Your tender mercies
How you help those who fall
How you open eyes
How your kingdom endures
I will bless you
Your saints will bless you
You open your hand
You satisfy every living thing
You are near to all who call on you
You are near to all who call on you, in truth
There is a way to call on God in truth and no
Yes, kings will sing, indeed all flesh will join in.
Wicked gone.
All flesh will bless you
All flesh will bless your holy name
All flesh from A to Z, acrostic done
God has been completely blessed by his creation, from A to Z

The books have opened
Acrostics have helped open
With special order and completeness
With special skill and fulness
Acrostics have helped close

The last acrostic ends
and then five Psalms of praise
One for each book in Psalms

Seven lines of thought put forth with this special emphasis
Lessons of import made easier to learn, with metronome syllabary
to help one keep these things in mind
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