William Garden Blaikie

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So I was talking to my stepfather the other day about different things and he was telling me that his Great Great Grandfather was a Presbyterian minister who had written some books. He took me down to a book shelf and showed me about 20 books that the guy had written. Turns out he was a pretty influential guy in his time. His name was William Garden Blaikie. I found a writeup on him on Wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Garden_Blaikie Has anyone on here heard of him before? I borrowed a couple of the books and plan to read them when I can.
The following works by William G. Blaikie are available at Solid Ground Christian Books:

For the Work of the Ministry: A Manual of Homiletical and Pastoral Theology
Heroes of Israel: Lessons from the Lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses
Saving Knowledge: Addressed to Young Men
Expository Lectures on the Book of Joshua
Expository Lectures on the Book of First Samuel
Expository Lectures on the Book of Second Samuel
The Preachers of Scotland
Blaikie's dates (1820-1899) make him an almost exact contemporary of Robert Lewis Dabney. (Blaikie outlived him by 1 year.) Interesting...
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