Why Secular Music?

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As to exposing ourselves to secular music, we Christians are privileged to use biblical discernment - our sanctified common sense. If the lyrics appear to be offensive - turn it off, or put on something else.

As with anything pertaining to Christian liberty I agree that this is the key. Although I do think that the OP is a question worth thinking about. I say this as one that has a few Aerosmith (not Walk this Way), Def Lepard, and Bon Jovi songs on my iPod. What few songs like that I listen to I usually find have sentimental ties to my college days or something like that. But I often find myself wondering if a guy like Jonathan Edwards or Thomas Watson or John Flavel would listen to some of the stuff we listen to. For that matter I wonder if the Puritans would have excused some of the other secular things we tend to excuse in the 21st century.

I still say it's a matter of Christian liberty and Richard's response above hits the nail on the head. But this has been an interesting thread nonetheless.
We do have Christian liberty, but such liberty is in regard to what is proper before the eyes of God. We must filter all of what we allow to enter our minds and thoughts through the sieve of Paul, "whatever is true, whateve is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." (Phil.4:8). So, we must honor the Spirit's enlightenment and conviction regarding these things, in whatsoever degree he has done so in our lives, and we will find blessing from God.

And so, while I am shooting pool in my basement tonight listening to Johnny Cash, what should I do? Is what I'm doing what Christ, in all his purity, would do and desire to do? I doubt so. So, I realize from this that, with my every breath, my sin is ever present with me in my desires and will and understanding, for it distorts the faculties that I possess into something inordinate. May God sanctify me more, as well as all of us. For, we are measured by what we would do if we had no command or restriction from God to do otherwise. Your post points towards the goal. May God create in us clean hearts to genuinely reflect such.

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