Which Book by Clark should I read first?

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A Christian Theory of Knowledge. No wait that's by Van Til..;)

I'd go with a Christian View of Men and Things.
It depends. Do you want exposure to Clark's best thinking, or do you want an introduction to his particular distinctive position?

In the former case read Karl Barth's Theological Method.
Originally posted by ChristopherPaul
A Christian View of Men and Things


Thales to Dewey


Between those two, start with A Christian View of Men and Things. It is Vol. 1 of the Works of Gordon H. Clark and I think Thales to Dewey is Vol. 2.
Thank you for the feedback everyone!

I am not really looking to study Clark so much as Philosophy in general which must include Clark in my opinion (I do not call myself a firm Clarkian, but appreciate Clark's works). I thought Clark's A Christian View of Men and Things may be a good place to start as an introduction, but then as Paul has said, Thales to Dewey will give a firm basis to understand the rest of Clark's works.

I just acquired these two books and am eager to dive into them. But the great quandary is: which one first?

Life is so tough at times :)
Something slightly different -- try reading A Christian View with the Fetschrift. That way you can examine the criticisms while the ideas are still fresh in your mind.
I suggest reading Crampton's "The Scripturalism of Gordon H. Clark" as a good intro to Clark's thinking. Crampton quotes GHC profusely throughout the book as he addresses his views. It's also a very short book and can be read quickly. Clark's "Intro. to Christian Philosophy" is also a good intro to his thought :book2:
Then definitely Thales to Dewey. Though I would begin with Nash's Life's Ultimate Questions.
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