Where are ministers compared to Stars in the OT?

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Durham makes the following statement in his lectures on Revelation and I'm think he omitted a reference, either to an OT passage or merely to the comments on chapter one where the seven angels (ministers) are said to be denoted by the seven stars. The only passage I came up with that some apply to ministers is Daniel 12:3. Durham does interpret the friends of the bridegroom to be ministers in Song of Solomon but I didn't find any reference stars in chapter six or any comment to point in Durham's lectures on Song of Solomon. Thoughts?
So the church is called fair, as the Moon (Song of Sol. 6:[10]), and the ministers compared to stars,[1] and the general beauty of the church is prophesied of in these terms (Isa. 30:26).​
An ancillary support could be Jude 13: if false teachers are wandering stars, perhaps truthful teachers are fixed stars? So Thomas Manton in his exposition of Jude 13 says, "The guides of the Lord's people should be stars, but not wandering, gliding stars." (Works, V:286: Solid Ground, 2008)
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