Ben Zartman
Puritan Board Junior
We have in our assembly a half dozen or so families and individuals who came as refugees from other churches. There are hints of browbeating leadership, poor theology, even bad behavior in the ministers of these churches they came out of; but there seems to be a taboo about the refugees speaking of these things, or our asking about them. Now, I'm a curious guy, and if people obviously are relieved to be out of a church, I kind of want to know why. Best I can get from most of them is--"Oh, I don't want to say anything bad...let's just say we really needed to leave."
My question here is: is it inappropriate to tell people you disagreed with your former church over X? Is it wrong to say, "you know, there was a bit of paranoid totalitarianism in our former eldership, and we feel safer having left?" What about "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil, the Lord reward him according to his work?"
When, in other words, can abuses by an eldership be spoken of without being branded as a gossip? Was John gossiping about Diothrephes? Do these refugees have a responsibility to others to warn them of chicanery in their former churches? I ask here because as a normally outspoken guy I'm often surprised at the cloak of secrecy that's thrown over matters that I think warrant being shouted from the housetops.
And in a related question, when not receiving an accusation against an elder except in the mouth of witnesses, does that mean "there are witnesses present when the elder is accused" or "there are several witnesses to the elders' iniquity". If the second, then an elder could violently sin against one person only, in secret, and never be properly accused.
My question here is: is it inappropriate to tell people you disagreed with your former church over X? Is it wrong to say, "you know, there was a bit of paranoid totalitarianism in our former eldership, and we feel safer having left?" What about "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil, the Lord reward him according to his work?"
When, in other words, can abuses by an eldership be spoken of without being branded as a gossip? Was John gossiping about Diothrephes? Do these refugees have a responsibility to others to warn them of chicanery in their former churches? I ask here because as a normally outspoken guy I'm often surprised at the cloak of secrecy that's thrown over matters that I think warrant being shouted from the housetops.
And in a related question, when not receiving an accusation against an elder except in the mouth of witnesses, does that mean "there are witnesses present when the elder is accused" or "there are several witnesses to the elders' iniquity". If the second, then an elder could violently sin against one person only, in secret, and never be properly accused.