What is the NPP

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Puritan Board Freshman
I was wondering if the NPP is this: an attempt to justify the heresy of the Judiazers.

[Edited on 7-4-2006 by xcrunner12]
Certainly proponents of NPP would reject that characterization.

NPP might/could be construed as saying "The Judaizers would have been OK, as long as they had not been insisting on Gentiles adopting the 'boundary-markers' of the Jews, in order to be Christians. Then they could have just been 'Messianic-Jews,' and kept their traditions."

[Edited on 7-4-2006 by Contra_Mundum]
My beef with Sanders is that he doesn't seem to accept the Gospels as reliable history --while they contain some good information, they need to match what we know from other sources, not vice versa.

Also, I think he fails to make a simple distinction. Of course Judaism was a religion of grace --if you consider Judaism as the system God gave. But the prophets frequently critiqued the way the Jews practiced their religion. So it would be perfectly possible to have a Simeon, who is Jewish and lives under grace; and to have a Pharisee like Saul of Tarsus before his conversion, who is Jewish and lives under law.
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