All my church membership experiences have been in charasmatic/arminian and therefore all one had to do basically is juststart attending.
My last church I was brought before the front of the church and let everyone come up and shake my hand, but no pre-classes whatsoever have ever been required anywhere I started attending.
Having studied the Reformed doctrines for 5 years and having preached them for 4 years I think the Presbyterian churches have the best system of making the prospective member go through classes.
Yet in my dealings with Presbyterian ministers it just seems that their concerns for new members or for their congregations are very minimal. When I first began to come to the knowledge of Calvinism or Reformed theology I e-mailed the Pastor of the church I am attending now and set up an interview and went and talked with him to see if I was getting Reformed theology right.
He told me that I was coming to the understanding of it quite well. He gave me the url of the site :: Classic Articles and Resources of the Historic Christian Faith He also gave me a copy of the Wesminster Confession of Faith/ Larger-Shorter Catechism and I read through it. Matter of Fact I have just read through the confession again and I am also reading the Larger Catechism right now.
Yet a few months later I tried to reconnect with this minister and could not get him to answer back. He has since moved from the church and another Pastor is there. So I tried to contact another Presbyterian minister in order to get him to talk to me and answer a few more questions. The most I could get out of this fellow through e-mail was the location of his church. [I did identify myself and also told him where I lived. Which by the way was only a few miles from the church]
Now I have been attending the church of the first Pastor I talked with 5 years ago, though I explained that another Pastor has it now. I have asked about becoming a member and was told that they have in times past given classes, but here lately the Pastor has been taking on the prospective members in an interview. I was told that he would get back to me through e-mail this week, but no response.
I first began to e-mail him before I began attending and he offered to meet for lunch one day and so I sent back and told him, "Sure, name the day." But I got no response. He apologized for that at church one day, but then promised more e-mails, but I have heard nothing. [You see most people offer to meet for lunch because they think you will not actually accept, but I did].
Anyway I was told by him, the last time we talked after church, that he does not work Saturdays because that is his families time and he want give that up for nothing. Yet I get off work on Fridays at 9:00 Am so I do not see the problem for Friday. But I was told we will get together through e-mail and still I hear nothing.
What I wonder is are there any committed men of God in this world anymore? I would not only give up my Saturday, but if you called on me at midnight I would be there.
I need a church with a concerned group of elders, preferrably in a Reformed congregation that doesn't allow women in the pulpits.