What happened in Tyler, TX?

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Puritanboard Clerk
While I am critical of theonomy on many points, some of the work by the Tyler, Tx guys (North, Sutton, I forget who else) is occasionally interesting. But I listened to a David Chilton sermon on Ecclesiatical Megolomania where he documented some really wacky stuff that went on. The odd thing is that when people criticize the guys involved with theonomy and later Federal Vision (Sutton, Jordan, etc) they never mention this, which makes me wonder if North-Sutton-Jordan were involved in the Tyler devolution at all.
The history has yet to be written if it ever will. One of those excommunicated was a deacon at my old church and amassed all the documentation. I think I put him in touch with Wayne Sparkman a few years back to see about preserving it; anything ever come of that Wayne?
The Blue Banner ran a defense of those excommunicated which Greg Bahnsen help in drafting (uncredited at his request so make a note if it here for posterity).
Tyranny in Tyler
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