What does James Durham mean by departing in due manner from one Church to another?

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Sam Jer

Puritan Board Sophomore
I am looking through James Durhams treatise on scandal (not reading the whole thing, at least not yet, but reading the table of contents and some parts of it).

He says, in the part titled Concerning what ought to be done by private persons, when Church-officers spare such as are scandalous:
Asser. 3. Upon supposition that the defect be true, yet private professors are to continue in the discharge of the duties of their stations, and not to separate from the Communion of the Church, but to count
themselves exonered in holding fast their own inte∣grity. It's true, it cannot but be heavie to those that are tender, and, if it become scandalously ex∣cessive, may give occasion to them to depart and go where that Ordinance of Discipline is more vigo∣rous; and concerning that, there is no question, it be∣ing done in due manner; Yet, I say, that that can be no ground for withdrawing from the Ordinances of Christ, as if they or their consciences were polluted by the presence of such others.

What would he mean by "it be∣ing done in due manner"?
Durham may be speaking of a process they had where a member could "transfer" to another parish church though living within the jurisdiction of the parish church lacking discipline, or speaking generally, contact the elders, etc. as I'm not aware there was such a process (in the books of discipline); you were under the jurisdiction of your local parish church.
That is also my understanding - that this person could transfer to another congregation (still within the same church though).

The "due manner" would also I think have reference to that person's behaviour/attitudes/etc in the process of moving. If that person is genuinely concerned for Christ's honour and reputation in their original congregation, then they will not contribute to the eldership's difficulties, or throw extra stumbling blocks in other people's way, by (eg) loudly criticising, gossiping about the situation, haughtily making known that they prefer stricter discipline elsewhere, etc.
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