What books did you get over the holidays?

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-Works of Robert Rollock
-John flavel volume six
-Stephen Charnock volume four and five
Overcoming Sin and Temptation - John Owen
Ordinary - Michael Horton
Keller's new book on prayer - the title eludes me at the moment
The Good News We Almost Forgot - Kevin Deyoung
Deeper Places - Matthew Jacoby
Biblical Theology by Vos
Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation by Luther and Erasmus (Both Erasmus' work with Luther's response bound into one volume
Early Church by Henry Chadwick
Problems in Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Always Ready by Greg Bahnsen

A couple others, too; however, my favorite gift was from my pastor. He's leaving for a new job, and on the last Sunday he preached, he brought me to his office and gave me all 22 volumes of Calvin's commentaries. It was a tremendous blessing.
I got a complete works of George Herbert and also related to that "Seeing and saying things beautifully' by Piper which is in part also on Herbert one of the three bios it covers
Spurgeon's "Lectures to my students".

I have had it in eBook form, but wanted it in print. I desire a great amount more, but unfortunately finances prohibit the purchases :)
I got The World's Last Night (C. S. Lewis), One Faith (Packer), a novel called New Town, and Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People. I also found a book called The Rhyming History of Britain at a used book sale and gifted it to myself - so far, an enjoyable read.
Gustave Le Bon - the crowd
Gustave Le Bon - psychology of revolution
Rene Girard - scapegoat (anthology)
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