We're back from Philadelphia!!

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Puritan Board Freshman
Our trip to PCRT was a huge success - we traveled from E Ohio to Philadelphia with our pastor, his wife, and three sons, the youngest of which is 5mo. The two older boys enjoyed watching dvd's from the third row of seats, pastor's wife and I had the baby between us in the middle seats and were entertained by him for the whole trip, and my dh and the pastor sat up front. Since the boys were occupied we had plenty of time for uninterrupted conversation.

We touristed in Philly all day Friday and arrived at the evening session which featured RC Sproul speaking on "The Necessary Blood" rather worn out. Getting back to the hotel which was 24 miles from town was was a real trip - we almost ran out of gas - the indicator was past "0 miles to empty" when we finally found a gas station - loads of prayer before and praise after that little escapade - and "Microsoft Anna" of our new GPS system got us so confused that it took twice as long to get back to our hotel!!

After way too little sleep we were out of the hotel and headed back to the conference at 7:15am where we all struggled to stay awake - we did WAY too much touristing the day before!!! However, we all enjoyed the speakers and the topics discussed - "Redeeming Blood" (Robert Godfrey), "Atoning Blood" (Philip Ryken), "Cleansing Blood" (Richard Phillips), "The Blood of Christ in Puritan Piety" (seminar/Joel Beeke), and "Offensive Blood" (Robert Godfrey)

The music was wonderful! There were about 800 people in the sanctuary and the congregational singing was full-bodied and vigorous. The pieces done by 10th's choir and the Westminster Brass were wonderful - the choir's performance of the Kyrie from the Durufle Requiem was beautiful - especially appreciated because I've sung the Requiem twice.

Dr C Everett Koop was in attendence. I knew he was a member of 10th but didn't think he was still alive. My dh introduced himself to him, thanked him for his service to the country and shook his hand. He is still a very distinguished looking man and still sports his signature bow tie.

We met Joel Beeke during our lunch break at McDonald's (a terrible place to eat but affordable in Philly!) and he and our pastor talked all the way back to the church.

We attended the 9am Sunday service at 10th where RC preached the sermon on "The Presious Blood". After the service we were able to shake his hand and thank him for his part in the conference and our pastor told him that his brother-in-law Rev Wm Voorhis gave the sermon that morning at our church in Ohio - small world, eh?

The drive home was rather uneventful - Baby Benjamin slept almost all the way, the boys watched dvd's and we adults had another good time of conversation. Just outside of Pittsburgh the 7yo unexpectedly threw up all of his french fries from lunch - thankfully, we were able to pull into the parking lot of a Holiday Inn where the manager supplied us with a pile of paper towels and a deoderizing spray.

Today, poor, tired Husband had to go back to work, I retrieved my german shepherd from our daughter's care and unpacked our stuff. We're already planning for next year's conference!
What a wonderful time you had! And what great preachers!!

Thanks for letting us know about your great experience. May God use this experience to your benefit and many others.
Bet you are glad to be home again though. ;)

Yeah, it's always good to get home after a trip - I always put fresh sheets on the bed before leaving so that it feels extra nice when we get back - there's nothing like the comfort of one's own bed!!!
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