Was there Any Real Change from Trent to Vatican II?

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Puritan Board Doctor
I have been speaking with a catholic the differences between the Gospel per Paul and the One per Rome, and he states that Vatican II totally redid the Council of trent per Catholic official theology. Was that really true, as I thought that trent established for all time official catholic theology regarding salvation?
Very interesting, and from wading through the areticles, would say that it seems that the early church, during the time of the NT books and the Apostles seemed to be set up more in a "Baptist" organized way, but that there crept into the Church what went full bloom centuries later as the church of Rome. I would also contend that one can from the very scriptures themselves set up church leadership as either Baptists or Presbyterianism do, but not with the vested authority and primacy that Rome has placed upon itself. The Catholic viewpoint regarding Mother Cuurch and its primacy does not seem to be able to be supported by even the historical evidence, much less the scriptures themselves.
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