Was John's Baptism Valid?

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Jesus wouldn't have necessarily been immersed...I mean he may have been, but he had to fulfill all the law. If he was ordained for his ministry wouldn't be have been sprinkled as well?
Levi, I think the record of scripture is very clear on this point Christ most certainly was NOT immersed.

This was, as you said his "ordination" into his priestly ministry. As such it had to follow the Mosaic rules to the letter ie by a priest, and by sprinkling.

BTW this is only one of three priestly baptisms Christ underwent. The others were by oil (the spirt) & by blood (the cross).
Originally posted by Kevin
Levi, I think the record of scripture is very clear on this point Christ most certainly was NOT immersed.

This was, as you said his "ordination" into his priestly ministry. As such it had to follow the Mosaic rules to the letter ie by a priest, and by sprinkling.

BTW this is only one of three priestly baptisms Christ underwent. The others were by oil (the spirt) & by blood (the cross).

That is what I thought, but I wasn't sure. The baptists were confusing me. But I was always told he wasn't immersed. thanks.
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