Too many Christians are letting Science fool them into doubting Holy Scripture

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Puritan Board Freshman
I love Science, including Theoretical Physics. But Science absolutely can not explain the Bible. But the Bible explains science more and more as science advances and the Bible keeps saying, "I told you so!"

For example, not too long ago "Scientists" had absolutely no clue to how complicated a cell is. Many scientists would laugh at the Biblical account of Eve being derived from Adam's blood, flesh, and bone rib! They would criticize Jews & Christians who believed such nonsense.

Today cloning is a trivial thing, but do Scientists give credit to the Bible for that? Of course not.

I hear Christians more & more bowing to Science and explaining that the Bible isn't a scientific document. They're wrong. It is written by the original omniscient scientist.

There is so much in the Bible that if Jesus tarries and science advances then more secrets about science in the Bible will be revealed

Science will also say that a full grown human can't possibly exist unless it has grown since a conception event. Though Science Fiction for decades has imagined growing full grown clones but that is still unachievable.

But, Adam was created mature and fully grown. Most Christians don't seem to have a problem believing that even though it goes against scientific observations ( until the Science Fiction ideas may become a reality in which case the Bible will say, "I told you so!").

So, If Christians can believe that Adam & Eve were created mature, why do so many have trouble believing the universe was created mature?

Medical Science could not have found a difference between Adam & Eve who did not grow from a fertilized egg and any human being grown from a fertilized egg (unless we get into the belly button theory LOL which would really technically just be a cosmetic difference LOL).

So, using that same train of thought, could Science tell the difference between a Universe created in a mature state from an identical universe at that same state of maturity grown from a hot, dense, singularity? No!

Don't let your faith be buffeted by Science especially because Science is consistently wrong! Science is always learning new things that disprove old things the Scientists used to believe and arrogantly ram down our throats!

For example, Einstein, and just about everyone in the early 1900's believed the universe was static and eternally so. Of course, Christians didn't believe the eternal part back then but they thought the Scientists were right about the static part. Science also thought all of the stars were "local" because they didn't know about other galaxies. But when science discovered that the fuzzy blurry "star" was a Nebula containing stars, but then discovered it wasn't a nebula but was in fact a galaxy far far away, it rocked the scientific world. Then it was discovered the universe is expanding. Then it was discovered the expansion is accelerating!

Can we ever really be certain Science currently knows anything for absolute certainty? No!

Another great example: Science now realizes that only 4 to 5% of what comprises the universe is "stuff" such as we are comprised of and they don't know what the other 95 to 96% is.


Some of that 27% is what science calls Dark Matter since it does not seem to interact with anything except in a gravitational way. It is transparent.

I often chuckle about Dark Matter confounding Scientists and think of Psalm 103 "I have established my throne in the heavens" and wonder if science is detecting things about God but without them ever knowing it! LOL What if Dark Matter is the Heavenly Throne-room! LOL

I could go on & on.

The Bible is sure and true. One last example is that death did not exist until Adam & Eve fell. Therefore, for Christians who are misled into thinking the creation process took thousands or millions of years preceding Adam & Eve then they must realize that ALL of those living things would have still been alive when Adam & Eve were created because nothing could have died because death didn't exist.

So if you think God created the Universe the slow way, and just sat and twiddled his nonexistent thumbs for billions of years until all was in a state to which He could begin to create life on Earth, then I think you don't understand that in the blink of an eye (if God had an eye to blink) that He could create infinite universes of infinite diversity.

God is God. Don't let science create unbelief in you. Don't let science cause you to think God is less powerful, capable, awesome and sovereign than He is!

So please don't doubt that God created this universe in a mature state just as he created Adam as a mature human being, and realize that of course our universe would be scientifically evaluated identically to an identical universe at the same state of maturity grown for billions of years from a singularity.

FYI: Scientific Disclaimer: the hot dense singularity Big Bang theory is just a theory. Other theories are becoming popular. One of them is the Quantum Virtual Particle Chaos theory which involves an eternal existence preceding an event resulting in our Universe. Obviously every Christian must know that God created our universe Ex Nihilo and therefore no true Christian could possibly entertain that theory!

Thank you Heavenly Father, in the precious name of Jesus, for your awesomeness. Amen.
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Or we could just once again realize what Van Til taught us, and that is that the biblical worldview is the only worldview in which science is intelligible to begin with.
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